Chapter 29

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Noah's POV

I arrived at the BBQ party that Elliot had invited me to. It was at his grandparent's house that was close to the beach. They had a lovely house and the fact that you saw the beach from their back yard was just amazing. 

''Hey, glad you could come'' Elliot said as he hugged me. I afterward handed him a cake that my mother had baked. She was happy that I had found friends and that I had calmed down more. She likes the fact that I didn't get so much into trouble since we moved here after I got Elliot as a friend. 

''Thank you for inviting me'' I said as Elliot followed me to meet his grandparents and say hi to his fathers. I Also noticed Brett was here. Of course, he was. Ever since I sat in his car when he drove me and Elliot, I have thought he was really attractive. Thank god we haven't spoken much since then because I don't really know if I'm able to. He just keeps on looking better every time I see him. 

''Hey, Noah'' Brett said as he walked towards me. ''Oh, cake'' he said and smiled at me. I of course smiled back. What else was there to do.

''It's raspberry and hazelnut meringue'' I told him. Why did I say that? He didn't even ask what type of cake it was. Argh! 

''Sound delicious. Make sure there's some left for me, will you?'' He said with a smirk. This made me blush, luckily for me he was on his way once I had turned red. 

Elliot chuckled as Brett walked away. ''What was that?'' he said as he looked at his brother walking away from us to talk to other people, probably some uncles and aunts or something. 

''Whatever, let's put the cake down so we can introduce you around to my family'' Elliot said happily as we left the cake on the dessert table and greeted his family members. 

I met a lot of Elliot's family, it was almost too much, and no chance I remember their names. However, I will never forget how nice they are and how much hospitality they've shown me. Also the fact they everyone seems to be ok with both Hunter and River, and Aiden and Elliot being in same-sex relationships. No chance in hell would this happen in my family. Just thinking about it makes me really sad.

''What's wrong, Noah. You seem sad?'' River said as he put his arm around me.

''Oh it's nothing, I was just lost in my thoughts. Thank you again for letting me come'' I smiled at River as he brushed my shoulder.

''Of course, you're always welcome at our house, and with our family gatherings,'' I was happy and couldn't stop smiling as River followed me to the table where we were about to eat. I felt so safe and comfortable around these people. Can't believe I feel more comfortable around them than around my own family.

I sat down on a chair parallel to River, who sat next to his husband and maybe his sister. She at least looks at a lot like him.

Elliot was seated on my left, and without me noticing right away, Brett was the one that had taken the seat on my right. I got a little sweaty in my palm when noticing. Brett noticed that I had seen him and sent me a friendly smile before he turned back to continue talking with Hunter who sat in front of him.

The food was delicious. I really loved barbequing during the summer. The summer vacation hasn't started yet. We got one more week of school. However, it was going to be quite a chill week. We were only there for attendance, every exam and other types of tests were finished and I was just excited to be done with school for a few months. 

While I was thinking about how excited I was for summer vacation as I was enjoying this delicious meal, I suddenly felt Brett's thigh brush against mine under the table, however, he didn't move away once he felt he had touched mine. We were both wearing shorts, so he definitely could feel that we were currently skin to skin. He was so close that I could feel how large and firm his thigh was again my slimmer thigh. I needed to calm myself as my heart started beating super fast. Making me almost afraid that he could tell. 

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