Chapter 3

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Elliot's POV

I forgot to charge my phone last night, which means no alarm. That is the worst thing to happen. Contrary to popular belief, it's not because you arrive late at school (I wish). No, it's because dad comes and legit throws you out of bed.

''Up and out kiddo'' I heard dad said, not that I had time to react before he held one foot and one arm and yanked me out of bed like a starfish. Yes, just imagine that, it's not normal. I know...

He used to call me his 'delicate little boy', how in the world is that handling anything delicate? Not that he called me that anymore, now it's 'kiddo', which I would take over my delicate little boy any day!

Dad left the room right after I was standing semi-awake and on my feet. As long as my dad knew that I was out of bed, he didn't need to worry anymore.

I walked into my bathroom that connected Brett's and my bedroom. Yes, we shared a bathroom, but it is OK, we're pretty close and knows each other boundaries. I got up to the sink, ready to rinse my face. I saw the blue eye. Oh my, that didn't look nice. This is the time you wish you had a sister, a mom, or any type of female figure in your house to borrow make-up from. It's not as easy being four males living together. 

Afterwards, I left the bathroom and went into my bedroom to get dressed. As soon as I was dressed I walked downstairs. Papa was nowhere to bee seen, who I kinda needed and wanted to talk to right now, but I saw dad reading the newspaper so I guess he'll work.

''Dad, do you know any way I could cover up this'' I asked embarrassed, as I pointed to my blue eye. There was no reason to hide it anymore from dad as he would see it eventually.

Dad looked up at me from the newspaper. ''Elli, this is not OK, tell me who does this to you!'' He got up from the barstool, where he had been reading at the kitchen island. He cupped my face and examined my eye area. 

He kissed my forehead and I felt like a bad child, not telling him. But the outcome if I told him, was not worth it. I don't want him in jail. I really need him here.

''It's not important dad'' I said. He wasn't happy about my reply, but let it go. Sometimes dad is really understanding, like this. The times he isn't though, let's not even start with that.

''I guess we can go to the store before school so you could buy some make-up or something. You're kinda asking the wrong parent for this kind of stuff though'' dad laughed and I just awkwardly smiled.

Dad and I went out to the car and he drove me to the nearest store. The store, luckily for me sold make-up. I went in to buy a concealer and compact-powder. Yes, I know what to buy, it's not my first time using makeup to cover up bruises. 

After dad paid for my makeup, he drove me to school afterward, not that I really wanted to go. 

Even though he took me to school and I really didn't want to go, he was a good dad that just wanted me to have the education I had the ability to get. 

Before he left he wrote a small note, telling the teacher I was late because of a family crisis, lying for you kids is a vibe check all parents should pass. He told me if anyone asked me what it was I was just going to tell them that I didn't want to talk about it.

I honestly don't want to be here at school right now. I came a little late, after purposely being slow at the store for a little longer than I should so I could skip all the comments people would be throwing after me before class starts. The note from my dad will help with the fact that I'm arriving late, so I don't have to worry about that anymore at least.

Once I walked down the hall to reach my classroom door, I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door and waited untill I was invited in by my teacher. I gave her my note. She smiled and said it was ok before letting me sit down at my desk, far back in the classroom. I felt ugly stares as I walked to the back, trying my best to ignore them all.

''Ok class. I just want to tell you what is going to happen next week. There is no school since we are going to a camp, three hours from here''. Mrs. Clarke said.

My teacher was a very lovely person and she was always smiling no matter how much we students must irritate her on a daily basis. She wasn't even that old. She was probably in her early thirties or something, maybe even as young as twenty-five. I often heard boys telling each other how much they want to have her on top of a desk. Argh, they speak about her like she is dinner at the table, it's disgusting. Hopefully, Mrs. Clarke doesn't know, and for the boys' sake, I hope Mr. Clarke doesn't know either. 

''Please say you're coming as well, Mrs. Clarke'' a boy two rows in front of me said. I rolled my eyes. These horny hormonal boys.

She smiled at him. ''Yes I am going to be responsible for this class, so if anyone here is having homesickness or anything else they want to talk about during the camp, you're always welcome to come and talk to me''. She definitely has no idea about how these boys in her class are talking about her. She seems too naive, and that says a lot coming from me. 

Some guys fist bump and high-fiving. Girls started talking, looking forward to camp. I however, was not looking forward to be spending a week with a bunch of people that didn't like me.

I was just happy that it was soon recess and It was only four more hours of this day. The only bad thing was that the two last hours were PE, which I sucked at. I had nothing in common with my family I guess. Both dad and my brother is and has always been into sports and working out, and are great at it. I jog sometimes with papa, but he is so much better than me and I feel bad for him everytime he has to slow down because of my awful stamina. 

The next two hours are artclass which go by so fast since I have so much fun during that class. I'll just live with the fact that we are having PE afterward I guess. 

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