Chapter 8

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Elliot POV

Once we got back from the hike we all gathered in a circle on the grass close to the lake. ''Ok guys, I hope you all liked that hike. Since everyone was so sporty today, I'll let you guys choose what you want to do for the rest of the day.'' Gavin said from the middle of the circle.

He went to a shed, close to the dock and opened the doors. There was a lot of sports gear, garden games, and inflatable toys. People quickly got up from the circle and ran over to get things to play with.

Some people started playing volleyball, others went out in the water and some just relaxed, laying on the grass, getting a tan. 

I didn't know what to do. Aiden was dragged by his friends to go and join the volleyball match, which was not something that would suit me. Therefore, I just stayed on the grass, laying down and looking up at the clouds moving. It was relaxing to me, and I had a little of much-needed peace by my self.

I closed my eyes to relax and just feeling the summer breeze going through my hair when I noticed the light going through my shut eyelids disappeared. I opened my eyes to see Dylan walking past me, blocking the sun before he suddenly sits down beside me.

I turn around to see him pulling his t-shirt off before laying down as well. I guess he was aiming to get a tan. I just wanted to lay here alone, relaxing. Obviously, there's no way I'm going to relax now that he's laying beside me.

''Are you not warm?'' he asked as he nudged my side. I turned my look towards him again before I ignored him and closed my eyes again.

He suddenly started to pull on my shirt.''Stop Dylan'' I said as I tried to push his hands away. He just continued to try to pull on my shirt with a smirk on his lips and a chuckle.

''Come on, it's warm. Get some color on that pale body of yours'' he chuckled as he tried to pull my shirt up my body. Trying to get it off me. I tried my hardest to keep it on. I was uncomfortable and he really was giving me a hard time.

''No, stop!'' I said and tried to push him away. Not that it did much. He seemed very determined.

''He said stop!'' I suddenly heard someone say from behind us. I turned around to see Val standing there with some friends with towels. They were probably on their way to go swimming before they saw what was going on.

What Valerie said seemed to actually work. Dylan looked at her angry, but he let go of my shirt. He snatched his own shirt off the ground and got up himself, only to finally leave me alone. I sent Valerie a smile of my gratitude. She gave me a little smile back before she and the girls walked towards the dock.

Even though Dylan had left me alone now and I could relax, I didn't really feel like being here where everyone else was. I got myself up from the grass and walked towards the camp leader cabin where Gavin was nice enough to let me stay. I got to the door of the cabin and went inside. Once I had entered, I saw Gavin sitting at the small table writing something. I guess he was doing some paperwork.

''Oh hi Elliot, didn't think you would be back already'' he smiled at me and put his pen down. I walked down and sat down on my bed.

''Why aren't you down at the lawn with everyone else?'' he asked as he got up from the table and moved to his own bed, in the other end of the cabin. There were around four meters separating us.

I was quiet for a moment and looked out the window right beside me and saw everyone was having a fun time outside. ''As awkward as it is, I didn't really have anyone to do things with, so I just lay in the grass relaxing, but got tired of it.''

''If I join you outside, do you think there would be anything you wanted to do with me?''

I thought about it for a moment. ''No, I think the others would think it was weird if I end up hanging with you. They would probably say bad things about you too.'' I was just imagining what they would think if they saw me hanging around with Gavin on my own. Not only because it was weird to only be able to have fun with the camp leader and don't have any other friends, but also I was afraid that people would start gossiping and make the whole situation bad for Gavin as well. Gavin is a great guy, and I don't want anyone to do him wrong.

''Why do you think they would say bad things about me?'' he said as he got up and moved over to my bed. He sat down beside me and put his hand on my back.

''Because everyone has been bullying me since I was outed, and they would probably think something similar of you if you were hanging out with me.'' I was sad just thinking about it. It was probably the reason why I was a loner. Nobody wanted to hang out with me because they were scared that if they did, they would also be a target of the bullying I go through every day.

''And even though it maybe seems to you like Dylan is my friend and likes me, he's the worst!'' I said and felt my eyes start watering.

Gavin chuckled. ''I can tell you, I didn't think much good of Dylan. There was something off about him that I couldn't really put my finger on.'' He had a small break while looking at me with comforting eyes. ''Also Elliot, it's easier said than done but don't care what other people say. Being gay is OK, and so is being you.'' Gavin smiled and rubbed my back.

I felt a smile appear on my lips and I tried away my tear with my hand. I turned my eyes back to his to see him look into mine. The vulnerability made me do it without thinking; I put my lips on his but was quickly moved away.

My eyes went back to look at Gavin. I can't believe that I just did that, and the fact that I was rejected. It really felt like I was doing something spontaneous and brave for once, and of course it backfires. I should just never try to do anything, and just stay where nobody sees me. This is so embarrassing!

''Elliot, sorry but I don't think it's OK for me to do this with you'' Gavin said and took my hands in his. I looked down into my lap, ashamed of what had just happened.

I looked back up into his eyes a minute later. ''Why?'' I asked him pleading. I felt proud that I was doing something that I would never be brave enough to do really, yet I did with him.

''You're too young, I'm twenty-seven years old, you haven't even turned eighteen yet.''

What, I didn't think he was that old. He doesn't look like he's twenty-seven, I would have guessed he was around twenty, or close to Brett's age.

''Don't be sad Elliot, it's not that I don't like you. I actually think you're a great person, and it's unfortunate that the rest of your class don't see that.'' Gavin smiled at me and moved forward to kiss my cheek before I lay my head down on his broad shoulder.

It wasn't late, but it didn't take long until I fell asleep on him. I guess the hike exhausted me.

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