Chapter 21

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Elliot's POV

''I hate basketball!'' I said, pressing both of my arms in front of my chest while Noah and I were both sitting on the bench, waiting for our turn to play. Not that I really was looking forward to it. 

The only good thing about having this class at the end of the day is not having to share showers with all those guys full of testosterone and lacking brain cells afterward.

''It's not that bad'' Noah said as the ball flew towards us, luckily someone caught it and kept playing. I moved my arms down, that I had just used as a shield,  showing Noah what I really thought of this sport with a judgy look.

''I never said it wasn't dangerous and scary, I just said the sport isn't that bad'' Noah chuckled.

I chuckled a little myself. At least I wasn't the only guy who wasn't crazy about sports.

''Oh I forgot to ask, how was the party on Friday?'' 

Noah was picking up the basketball before he looked back at me. ''It was actually kinda fun. I mean, I didn't really know many of the guests since it was students from Jax's school, but other than that I had a good time''.

''So did you and Jax hit it off'' I said teasingly while raising my eyebrows up and down at him.

He could help but blush a little. He definitely is gay.

''Oh, what happened?'' I said excitedly almost a little loud. My head quickly moved around to see if anyone was looking at us, but people were to busy talking to each other or playing ball.

Noah blushed even more. ''Well, we kinda hooked up a little''

''What, you had sex already?'' I whispered with a shocked expression. I love the fact that Noah talks like this to me, even though we haven't really talked about his sexuality.

Noah hit my shoulder. Ouch. ''No, we just made out. Not that he didn't want to, he tried to once we got inside an empty bedroom to talk, but I didn't feel comfortable to do it at that moment. He was really respectful of that so we just continued making out really''. 

''So are you meeting him again any time soon?'' I said with a smirk.

''Don't know, maybe'' Noah said before he had to join the game, making me sit down with some other guy. At least it wasn't Dylan who was put out of the game, he always got to play, never sitting on the bench, waiting. 

Noah was playing ok, he wasn't great, but he played better than me at least... well,  everyone played better than me. 

A few shots later, I also got put onto the floor. Luckily for me, it was only fifteen more minutes of the game.

The match ended, so did the class. Everyone quickly moved towards the locker rooms to get home as quickly as possible. Noah and I waited a little bit, There were a lot of huge guys who took up most of the space, we preferred not getting crushed in there with them. 

I went to the bleachers to pick up my phone. Aiden had sent me a message not that long ago.

''Aiden tells me to wait here, they have practiced afterward. Let's get our stuff before the wrestling team arrives.

Noah and I went to get our stuff before he went home and I went back to the bleachers in my gym clothes. 

It didn't take long before the wrestling team arrived at the gym. Aiden waved at me and I waved back at him.

Suddenly the whole team turned towards the bleachers. ''Hey Elliot'' they said like a choir and waved at me. It surprised me so much that I turned red and hid my face in my hands on my lap, only for the whole wrestling team to laugh at me.

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