Chapter 5

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Elliot's POV

A new day, new problems. I'm just happy that I might have made a friend yesterday. Perhaps life will get better now?

I can't stop thinking about Aiden, I can't believe he helped me yesterday. My crush helped me. I'm actually not as scared as usual to come into school today. But now that I am here, I see that the hallway is full and I can also see Dylan and his friends, and no Aiden nearby.

Shoot, he saw me too. No, don't come here. I should try to hurry towards the bathroom. Don't look at them.

''Yo, pillow biter!'' I heard Dylan say loud enough for everyone to hear. People start laughing and everyone had their eyes watching me. I didn't want to face them so I sped up towards the bathroom.

''Hey, I'm talking to you!'' he yelled and sounded angry. I was too afraid to stop, but I didn't want him to get even angrier. Too afraid that he could become even angrier, I decided to stop. The bathroom was too far away anyways. I would have to run if I wanted to make it.

Not long after I stopped, I felt an arm going around my shoulder. ''Why the hurry?'' he said teasingly as he held his arm around my shoulder and began walking, bringing me with him wherever he was headed.

I looked up for a second to see Dylan smirk down at me. I quickly looked back down. He made me too uncomfortable and his look was intimidating.

''What's wrong, don't want to look at me?'' He chuckled and probably thought it was so much fun to see how much control he had over me, and probably many more students that he tortured when I wasn't nearby. He was the king of the hall. Not that I think most people liked him really. Prephaps he the devil of the hall. Yeah, I would put money on that.

I didn't reply. He ruffled my hair and kept his arm on my shoulders. He continued walking. I didn't know what to do, so I just kept walking along, while getting more scared.

Where was he taking me? Was he going to hit me? Bully me? I didn't really want to think about it, it only scared me more and I felt tears building up inside. I couldn't cry though, Dylan wouldn't like that. Honestly, he might like it. However, that was not really something I wanted to find out.

He suddenly stopped. I looked in front of myself to see us standing in front of the janitor's closet. I looked up quickly to see him again smirking down at me.

His friend opened the door and Dylan pushed me in. What surprised me was that Dylan followed before he locked the door.

I looked up at him all surprised. I wanted to ask him what he was doing, but he scared me so I was too afraid to even open my mouth, let alone speak.

He grabbed the collar of my shirt. ''Why did you call Aiden yesterday?'' he seemed angry and I was confused.

I dared open my mouth after he shook my whole body to get an answer from me. ''I didn't call him'' I said studdering.

''Don't lie to me!'' his voice got louder and I was getting even more terrified watching his anger appear in his eyes.

''I promise, he told me he forgot his jacket, that's why he came back'' I was about to cry. Dylan was totally ready to punch me or kick me, or both.

He looked at me, trying to see if I was lying. I felt my eyes watering.

''Oh, are the little mattress muncher scared?'' he said patronizingly with a chuckled. ''Well he should be'' he said back with his low and angry voice as he punched me in the stomach, so hard that he had me on the floor laying in foster position before he left me there to lay in the dark.

I was just laying there crying. I didn't want to go out. Not now. I felt the pain building up in my stomach. He really know how to punch, I'll have to give it to him. He doesn't really know much, but beating up people and sports he knows.


When I was brave enough to come out, probably fifteen minutes later, the hallway was empty.

I was happy, still hurt, but happy I didn't have to deal with everyone looking at me weird or laughing at me.

I walked to the bathroom. I just wanted to cry some more before I went to class. Right when I was about to go into the boy's bathroom, Val came out of the girl's bathroom. Was she crying too?

''Hey Val, are you alright?'' I was worried, not that we had spoken to each other recently. She was still my friend, well I hope she was. We had been friends since we were little.

She looked back at me, I could see tears and how red she was in her face. She didn't say anything, she just went out the door and towards the parking lot.

I ran after. ''Val, you know you can talk to me?''. I was really worried. Valerie wasn't the person who just cried much, so if she did, it had to be something serious.

''Go away Elliot!'' she said as she continued to walk, not looking back at me. She didn't really sound like she wanted me to go, she didn't sound angry. I walked towards her, but before I reached her, she started her car and drove away.

What was bothering her so much? I can't remember last time I saw Valerie like this, I felt bad for her. I miss her, she was the best friend I could have. Why did we switch schools, it only ruined our friendship? I need my best friend back, and I think she does too.

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