Chapter 9

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Elliot's POV

It was late and It was starting to get darker as we watched the sun go down between the trees on the other side of the water. It was the last night of the camp and we were sitting around a bonfire talking. Well, other people were talking. I was sitting a little on the side by myself, currently dragging grass up and out of the ground, continuously.

I was bored, not that it was anything to do about it. I was just happy that we are going home tomorrow.

''Guys, thank you for today. I hope you had a great day. I'm going to leave you guys for the night, I hope you enjoy yourself, but don't do anything stupid. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the camp leader cabin.'' Gavin told everyone. I looked up to him and he looked at me when he said the last part.

Not long after he left, I saw some of the guys nudging each other until two left the bonfire.

I just stayed where I had been since we sat down, continuing to dragging grass up from the ground when suddenly I felt someone's hands coming under my arms, yanking me up from the ground. I was barely touching the grass with my feet when I was up in the air, and I didn't know who was holding me until I was set down on a large log and Dylan sat beside me. I was now closer to the bonfire, in the middle where everyone else was sitting.

The two guys came back with some plastic bags full of filled bottles. Everyone was starting to make noise and I understood that it was alcohol they had with them.

One of the bottles were handed directly to Dyland who nudged my side as he smirked at me. What did he want now? ''Here, have a taste'' he said and held the flask in front of my face.

''No thank you'' I said and moved the bottle from my face.

''Come on it's not like it's drugged or anything, just see here!'' Dylan said and started to chug from the bottle. He stopped, pulled up his tank top and dried off the remains. He gave me a side eye and smirked at me again.

''Like what you see?'' He asked as he pulled the tank top further and showed off his abs to me. I heard some girls giggle but instead of answering I grabbed the bottle from his hand and chugged some myself. I have never tasted alcohol before and wasn't prepared for the taste. I swallowed and my face probably had the weirdest expression ever!

''Wow, you're a talented one you Elliot'' Dylan said and nudged my side. I was still grimacing from the awful taste.

I looked around to look for Aiden, but instead, I saw Valerie. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I guess Dylan saw, ''Yo Valerie, come and drink some!'' he said and tried to wave her over.

''Sorry, I don't really feel like drinking'' she said and turned her gaze towards the ground. I was on my way to get up from the log and walk over to her when Dylan took a hold of my arm and made sure I couldn't walk away from him.

''What's up with you Valerie, you're like the most drunk girl at every party?'' Dylan said and laughed. I felt sorry for her, he wasn't bullying her or anything, but she seemed uncomfortable.

''Whatever, Elliot want some more at least'' Dylan said and once again the bottle was in front of my face. I looked at him worryingly. I wasn't really into the taste and I could already feel a little dizzy of all I drank last time.

He took off the lid. ''Come on Elliot, here just do what you did last time''

''It doesn't seem like he wants it'' someone said as they sat down on the other side of me. I turned towards the voice and saw Aiden sitting next to me.

I had lately felt some tension between Aiden and Dylan and didn't know what to think now that I was in the middle of the tension.

Dylan got up from the log ''Chug, chug, chug'' he started and turned around moving his hands, encouraging for others to do the same, which they did. I felt the pressure and felt my heart speeding up.

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