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"Wait...hold're telling me that we are not even related!"I screamed from the top of my lungs.
"Hunny-"my mom was cut off by me screaming again."Don't hunny know what I'm out of here I'm done."

Grabbing my jacket,I ran through the living room and straight through the door.Tears were running down my face like a waterfall,blurring my vision.

That's me after a day in my life that went horribly name is Jessica Anderson.I'm 19 years old today.I am just an average teenage girl who loves to party and doesn't give a dipsh*t about life and consequences.

You wouldn't call me one of the popular girls..I just know many people.Everyday a new guy comes to hit on me but I always turn them down.I really don't want to date anyone right now because it seems wrong.

I attend Ouran highschool and am a senior.Its my birthday today.Another day living in this hellhole.This is the day that my life turned upside down.Now you may be confused as to the beginning argument but before I tell you all of that let's just take a moment and rewind this day.

You might wanna sit back because this story is gonna be a long one.Now let's from the very beginning.

Hi guys so this is my second book that I am ever writing.I am sooo excited.I hope y'all will enjoy this book as I'm not going to discontinue like the other one.*sighs*
Anyway that's the prolouge...and the cover will come out soon.Im still designing it so for now it's gonna be just a blur.

Well that's all for now.
XOXO Christi💗

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