Chapter 11

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Jessica's POV
Time lapse

Today is the blood moon,the day I shift,the day everyone sees my wolf for the first time.Only one problem......I don't know how to shift on my own.'Ill ask Rhianna'I thought.Me and her have gotten like sisters over the past days that I've been here.

Oh also me and Rhianna have been sharing a room for a day because it's huge.I knocked on her door "Hey riri.I need help"I said."Sure .what's up?"she asked."I wanna know how to shift.Because I don't know how."I said sadly."Oh just picture yourself as your wolf and you'll shift."she said."Oh ok.thanks."

I exited the room and made my way downstairs to the living room area.The blood moon doesn't start till nine tonight so I figured I'll just reside to watching movies all day.

I've been sitting down for about 6 hours until someone said to get ready.To be honest I started to watch movies then I just fell asleep.

"JESS!! What are you still doing downstairs in normal clothes?It's time to get ready."She woke me up from my great slumber."Riri,"I whinned "You interupted my dream with exo.Kai was about to teach me his solo dance"She playfully shoved my shoulder and said"Come on.If you stay here any longer you'll turn into a couch potato."

I rolled my eyes but got up anyway.I did feel off.I felt stronger in a sense but weird at the same time.'Maybe it's just my period coming' I shrugged.Rhianna and I went upstairs to our room only to find rose sitting on the bed.

She wore a fitted dress that hugged her body perfectly and diamonds because come on it matches everything.She was beautiful.That weird feeling didnt leave me so I decided to change last.

Rhianna and Rose looked stunning.Compared to them I looked like a potato."Okay time to get dressed"Rose said.

I stepped into the bathroom and changed.I looked into the mirror before stepping out to show the girls."Oh my god!My eyes."I exclaimed.They weren't blue like it's natural colour.In fact it looked like purple with a bit of pink in it.I was confused but dismissed it anyway.

I stepped out and heard a whistle."How do I look?"I asked."Hunny.Damien is gonna fall to his knees when he sees you"Rose commented.

I laughed.I let them do my makeup which wasn't much.Just a bit of massacre and red lipstick.My hair was out and wavy like it naturally is.I opened my eyes when Rhianna was done applying whatever she did.

"Holy Moly!your eyes!"she exclaimed.Rose came up to y'all at that point and looked shocked as well."Guys don't worry.It must have something to do with the moon."I shrugged.

I glanced at the clock which read 8:15p.m.We had to go downstairs.Some pack members were already gathering.So,me rose and Rhianna walked hand in hand down the stairs.All eyes were in us as we reached outside.More

Damien was at a loss for words.U walked up to him."Close your mouth or your gonna catch flies"I laughed.It was about 8:54p.m and I could feel my eyes changing again.I didn't know the color until Damien told me."Wow your eyes are red"he said bewildered.

I shrugged with a smile on my face.It was finally time to shift.He told me to shift first since I never did infront the pack.I was a bit nervous so I looked for rose and Rhianna.They gave me a thumbs up saying your gonna do great.

I took a deep breath and shifted.I screamed and cried a little for a few seconds then it stopped.I was on all fours.My fur was pure white while my  eyes were blood red.Everyone's mouth hit the ground.Even Damien's.

I put on a wolfy grin and thought.'Oh the wonders of going first.'

Oh my God guys thank you so so so much.This book has reached 1st in vampireandwerewolf.i am so grateful.Please continue to read.

P.s.i won't update tmr since I did today.

All the love❤❤
-Christi 😘❤

The last oneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora