Chapter 18

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Jessica's POV
Today was the day.Today I'll be fighting Damien.He's strong for sure and won't be easy to beat.I wore what I always wear to training.A sports bra and a pants.

I walk outside to the back.Apparently the whole pack came to see this fight between me and Damien.Everyone really wants to see him get beat. Scarlet said.'I know right'.i replied.

There he was in all his glory.Damien was waiting in the middle of the field."It'll be a simple sparring so that means that you can't kill each other."Rose announced.We both nodded.

Damien shifted first into his pitch black wolf.Then I shifted.My pure white fur stood out from the surroundings.Everyone was in awe....although I don't know why since they say it already but whatever.

Rose lifted her hand signalling for us to begin.

"Oh you are do going down Damien"

Filler chapter guys.My schedule has become hectic this pass week that's why I was MIA.So yh y'all.


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