Chapter 5

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Jessica's POV
I arrive at home.The sky was black at that time.The lights were off inside signalling mom and dad were asleep.I unlocked the door with the spear key I had.I walked inside and turned on the light.

"SURPRISE!!!" I jumped back in surprise whilst hitting my back on the door.It took a few moments for me to register what was going on before chuckling afterwards.

It was my parents and best friend standing in front of me.They came and hugged me then started the mini party in the kitchen.

After the party hoorah​,my parents and best friend turned serious.They looked at me like they were inspecting me.

"Ok Jess we need to tell you something."my mom said."Sure.Whats up?"
"Have you been having headaches and hearing voices lately?"she asked."Yes I have,how did you know?"She muttered something under her breath but I couldn't hear.
"'s time."my dad said to my mom."I don't know how to tell you this but you are a werewolf."

I let my head fall back in laughter.Surely these people were insane right?I looked at them to see if they were laughing with me but to my surprise they weren't."You all are joking.... right...?" I asked.They shooked their saying no.

"Hunny you are indeed a werewolf just like me and Jonathan."(A/n Jonathan is her dad's name)"In fact we are not your real parents.We are just your -"Before my supposed-to-be-mother finished I went on an anger frenzy.Tables we're being flipped and lamps were being broken.

"Wait hold you're telling me that we aren't even related!?"I screamed from the top of my lungs.
"Hunny-"I stopped her again."Don't hunny know what.....I'm done....I'm out of here."and with that I took off.

I opened my door and ran away.Tears were blurring my vision, threatening to fall but I didn't let it.My house was behind a forest so it easy for me to disappear.

I lost track of time while running.I didn't know how deep I was in the forest now did I care.My mind was swarming with questions that I just wanted to break down and cry.That what I exactly did by a tree I stopped at.I began to cry but as soon as it started it stopped.

A twig cracked and it was near.I looked around in panic taking in my surroundings when u spotted something.A brown wolf with glowing yellow eyes .....starting at me.I was completely paralyzed.You would think that I would run when I saw it but I didn't.My blood ran cold and my body was numb all over.

It was about to lunge at me before another wolf tackled it to the ground.I looked around and two other wolves were behind me not in a threatening stance but a protective one.One with red fur jus like my best friend's hair and another that was silver.

The wolf that tackled the brown one was a few shades darker than the one next to me.I looked at the two next to me and they reminded me of my mom and best friend.The grey wolf nudged it's head on my hand and what I saw and felt shocked me.It was my mom and my best friend and I guess the one fighting was my father.

The moment happend so quickly.I looked and saw my father dead on the ground.My mom let out a howl and before you know it the other wolf was dead and my mom was as well (A/n she got bit on her neck and was bleeding out in the process.)

Suddenly I felt change.My bones turned and shifted painfully in all directions.Before I knew it I was in all four white paws.As I was about to lunge at the brown wolf my best friend nudged me to run.I followed her lead and ran.I heard her voice in my head saying to run and don't stop for anything.

I took her advice and ran.Not long after I heard a howl.I felt that she was dead but continued to run either way.

I ran and ran until I couldn't run anymore.I think I ran for a few miles and ended up somewhere with a clearing.I was on the brink of passing out but not before a group of men surrounded me.One if them tried talking to me but I couldn't hear him.The last thing I saw was a man with glowing eyes looking at me then it all went black.

Yup guys a double update .Hope u enjoy.
-Christi 😘

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