Chapter 17

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Jessica's POV
I took Rose's instructions and headed to the back of the pack house.Almost the whole pack was there when I arrived.

"Okay everyone so today we'll be sparring with each other.Pick a partner,a place on the field and begin-" His words were cut short for some reason.Then I realized all eyes were on me."Um why are y'all staring at me.I decided to come to training biggie."

"The Luna is supposed to stand next to the alpha."a female pack member said.I mouthed'Oh'.

I made my way to where Damien was standing.Pack members bowed a little saying Luna as a sign of respect.Damien began talking again motioning for the pack to start training.

I went over to where rose and her friends were."Hey guys."I greeted."Hey"they responded.Rhianna was the youngest of our group but that didn't stop her from training like the rest of us.

"We'll start you off easy,so you'll be sparring with Rhianna."Damien said."Come on.Give me a real offence Rhianna."I smiled."None taken."

"We'll see how strong you are and determined who's your match but for now start with Rhianna."Damien concluded.

We both took our fighting stance.Rhianna charged in first.She threw a few punches and jabs at me but I easily blocked them.I watched as she moved and she seemed weaker on her left side so I aimed for there.About 2 kicks and a few jabs and she was out.

I thought the spar lasted long but turns out it was only a couple of seconds.I turned to the others."Well that was fast,"Rose said."Well she is the weakest among our group."replied Archer.

"Now would y'all give me someone harder?"I asked."Alright fight me then,"Lucas smirked,"Along with me.Yknow twins stay together so fight us both."Marcus stepped in."Alright if you say so."I shrugged.

They both took their fighting stance.Lucas charged in first.He was fast but that would be his downfall.He moved quick to try and trip me but I was quicker and grabbed him before he could.Marcus came directly after on my other side making me trip.

I flipped up.They both charged at me from different directions at the same time.I blocked and dodged until I was sick but I did notice how they both fight.While one goes forward the other goes back.I've seen people fought like this before.I have to time them to take them both down.

They stopped.Lucas charged in first and then marcus.I took Lucas by the arm and didn't let go.I used him as a weapon and slammed him into Marcus,twisting his arm in the process.He was out due to his arm but Marcus wasnt.He was laying on the ground after I had threw him.

I didn't waste a second and jumped on top of him and started throwing punches.After about five he looked tired.So I punched so hard but what he didn't know is that I was aiming for the ground.

I got off of him and helped him up."Nice spar.Now you know how strong I am."I chuckled."They we're the best male fighters our pack had under Damien."Rose said."Let me take you on rose."I suggested.

"Sure,"she said.Again the same stance and everything.She was strong I had to admit and a little challenging but nothing that I couldn't handle.I got thrown down a couple of times but still managed to beat her."How is that possible?!?No one ever beat me before!"She sounded surprised.

"Well when you've lived with parents that forced you to join a bunch of martial arts clubs all your life,you learn a few things."I smirked.

"That's nice and all but I gotta admit you are pretty strong.So tomorrow you'll fight me."Damien said.'Ooh' was heard from the other pack members.By this time a crowd was formed around us."You're on"I smirked."In wolf form."he concluded.

When he said that I began to rethink my choice into agreeing with him.He saw my reaction and smirked thinking that I will back out."Well if you're not up to it then-""You're on Damien.Tomorrow we'll fight in wolf form"I cut him off.

Obviously he was shocked and that's the reaction I wanted."Well I'm wiped so I guess I'm done training for the day.It was nice training with you guys."I smirked and walked away from the crowd leaving a shocked Damien standing in the center.

'We'll win this tomorrow Scarlet.Without a doubt'I said to her before going into the house,to my room and to take a shower.

Here u are guys.another chapter.Plz continue to read.This book already reached over 200 reads.I know that's not much but it feels really big for me.Love y'all


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