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Once we had put the movie in and got popcorn, we all made our way to the giant couch in my living room. Clarissa sat on the end, then it was me, then Eric, then Jesse, the Carson, then Alex.

"You said you have to leave at 11:00 right Alex?" Eric asked as he checked the time. "Ya so I have like an hour." He replied also checking the clock. "So you're going to miss the end!" I cried out in fake horror. "Oh no. I am devastated. Oh what shall I do to save myself from this terrible agony." Alex replied in a monotone, sarcastic voice. I stuck my tongue out at him and pressed play on the remote to start the movie.

Well. About halfway through the movie, Eric had his arm around me comforting me while he intently watched the screen, Clarissa was basically in my lap and we were both crying, Jesse was on his phone and Carson watched with minimal interest. Alex had just left so it was down to the 5 of us.

"Ari!" Eric whispered. "Ya?" I sniffled. "Can you pass me a tissue?" He asked sheepishly. I laughed and somehow managed to grab one out of the box that Clarissa was clutching for dear life.

"It's over!" Carson cheered jokingly as he jumped off the couch. "Oh shut up it wasn't that bad!" Clarissa retorted. "Ya it was, right Eric?" Carson asked. I turned my head to see my brothers face burning beet red. "Uhhh...ya I can't believe you guys made us watch such a girly movie." He stuttered. "Oh so you don't need anymore tissues then Ewic?" I asked my brother in a baby voice and Carson started rolling on the couch laughing. "You were crying dude? Oh wait 'till I tell Moni and Marcy about this!" Jesse laughed as he fake threatened to rat my brother out to the gossip queens of the school.

My brother glared at his friend while Carson kept laughing. "Ooh Eric if they find out you're screwed." Clarissa giggled just as her phone went off. "Ugh my moms outside. Gotta go." She moaned. She came in for a hug and waved to my brother and his friends before saying one last goodbye and walking out the door.

"So, I'll be in my room. If anyone dies let me know and if you guys try a prank I won't be worried about deaths." I said. "Yes ma'am." Eric laughed and with that I went up to my room to change into pajamas and read for a bit before going to bed.

After about half an hour I started dosing off when I heard voices coming up the stairs. Hmm. I guess they're going to hang out in Eric's room. I sat for a while doing what any little sister would do. Which was eavesdrop. Before I fell asleep I heard Carson going on about some girl he likes and Eric and Jesse laughing and making comments. I wonder who the lucky girl is...


I woke up to see my alarm clock flashing 10:34 am. Time to get up. I put my slippers on and trudged downstairs to the kitchen where I saw my dad reading the newspaper with his coffee and my mom flipping through a homeowners magazine with a cup of tea. "Morning." I mumbled as I grabbed a muffin and some juice. "Morning sweetie!" My mom said looking up at me. "Can you go get your brother and his friends?" "Umm, okay." I replied. I made my way up the staircase and into my brothers room.

I opened the door and saw Eric passed out on his bed, Jesse on the couch he has in his room and Carson was on the floor. He looked so sweet sleeping. Ugh I hate how cliché this is. I have a crush on my brothers best friend. And I probably don't have much of a chance with him anyways...

I carefully stepped over him and over to my brother. "Eric." I whispered, shaking him. Nothing. Then I got up onto his bed and started jumping on it. "ERIC WAKE UP!!" "Jesus Ariel what do you want?" He mumbled as he opened his eyes. "Dude what's happening?" Jesse said. "Mom wanted me to wake you guys up." I said innocently. "Okay. Carson! Wake up!" Jesse yelled, throwing a pillow at Carson's face. "What?" He yawned. "Get up and get downstairs." I smiled before walking out.

"They're coming." I told my mom when I got downstairs.

When they got downstairs, Jesse was on his phone. "My mom said she's picking me up in 10 minutes for a dentist thing." "Okay Jesse. Have something to eat quickly before she gets here." My mom said putting some muffins and fruit on the table. We ate and the boys talked amongst themselves while I talked to my mom until the doorbell rang. "Eric, Carson, go help Jesse get his stuff. Ariel can answer the door, right sweetie?" My mom asked. "Sure." I replied, walking to the door.

I opened it up to reveal Jesse's mom. "Hi Ariel, is Jesse coming?" His mom asked. "Yep, Carson and Eric are getting his stuff with him. Would you like to step inside for a second?" I asked politely. She thanked me and chatted with my mother until her son came down with my brother and their friend. Everyone said goodbye and Eric and Carson started heading for the basement and I was about to go upstairs when my mother called the three of us into the kitchen. I wonder what she wants...

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