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Ariel POV

I heard the front door slam and I knew that wasn't a good sign. I raced down the stairs and out the door to see Carson sitting on the bench on our porch with his head in his hands. I closed the door and walked over to him.

"Seriously Eric just leave me alone!" He demanded. "It's not Eric." I said softly, causing him to raise his head. "What happened?" I asked when he didn't say anything. "Eric's jealous of my relationship with Monique." He grumbled. I laughed quietly. "Carson I'm going to be 100% honest with you. If Eric's anything, it's not jealous. He's just looking out for you." I said with a smile. "You too? Come on Ari I know he's your brother but you know Monique isn't bad at all!" He groaned.

"Carson I don't know what happened to you. You used to hate Monique! Rant about her with us, make fun of her with us and now your dating her and acting all defensive! I don't know what Eric told you but trust me, I don't like her, he doesn't like her and neither so Jesse and Alex. They just didn't want to tell you and make you upset. When Monique came over to talk to Eric earlier, all I heard was silence until Eric yelled at her to get out and that he didn't want to see her here again."

"Why is everyone lying to me?" He asked in distress. "Car, the only one lying to you was Monique." I said softly. "Why would Eric lie to you? You're his best friend and you mean the world to him! And the thought of that changing over a girl, more specifically Monique, just blows my mind." I admitted.

"You know what Ari? You give really good advice. Thank you." He smiled. "So...if you don't mind my asking, who was the other girl that you liked but didn't think you had a chance with? Because I'm positive that anyone would've been better than Monique." I asked curiously.

"She is. But I can't be with her." He said looking at me intently. "Why not? Because thinking you don't have a chance with someone is stupid. I even believe I have a chance with Harry Styles!" I said laughing. "It's just...my relationship with her family isn't really perfect for me to date her." He answered with an obvious struggle. "What's the relationship?" I asked, probably acting really nosey but I couldn't care less.

He took a deep breath and locked his eyes onto mine. "I'm her brothers best friend." And before I could say anything, his soft lips were on mine. It was a short and simple kiss, but it still took me to cloud 9. When he pulled away he looked at me with a bit of fear in his eyes. "I'm sorry Ariel. I shouldn't have done that. It's just- I just- never mind." He mumbled. Carson got up quickly, went to his car and left, leaving me dumbfounded on my front porch.


The next day at school a lot happened. Eric and Carson made up, thanks to me, and Carson broke up with Monique.

Unfortunately, Monique is blaming me for the break up and has made it her life goal to make my life miserable. Unfortunately again, Carson hasn't given me a glance since he kissed me and left. Even one time when I answered the door for him. He kept his head down and walked straight up to Eric's room.

I'm trying to figure out what I did but I'm lost. He kissed me so if anything I should be avoiding him. I don't know, I'm just happy that he's done with Monique finally. And he's not fighting with my brother anymore. Meaning less Eric and Ariel time! Which sounds mean...but oh well.

I was lying on my bed when my phone went off, indicating I had a text message. I picked it up and saw that it was from Clarissa inviting me to the mall with her. I yelled down to my mom for permission and when she said yes I told Clarissa.

"Er! Are you busy right now?" I asked, knocking on his door. "Well I was going to meet the boys at the movies...why what's up?" He asked. "I need a ride to the mall pretty please. And the movie theater is in the mall so you can drive me right?" I asked with my cute face on. It only works on one person. And I am so thankful it's Eric.

"Ari I was just about to...ugh I hate you! Yes I'll give you a ride. But you have 2 minutes to get in the car." I yelled out a thanks as I raced to my room, grabbed my purse and my phone and went downstairs.

I kissed my mom goodbye and since my slowpoke brother was taking forever, I snagged a 1D CD and his keys and cranked up the volume in his car.

"I wanna stay up all night and jump around until we see the sun!" I sang along at the top of my lungs. Eric got into the car and looked at me in disbelief. "No." He stated firmly. "Please Eric?" I asked using the face again. "I...uhh...okay fine. Just turn it down so people outside the car can't hear." He replied, giving in. See? Works like a charm.

We rode in the car to the mall and I even convinced him to sing What Makes You Beautiful with me while I "used my camera as a mirror to touch up my makeup". I can not wait to use that as blackmail because eventually I stopped singing and he never noticed. Seriously, we need smarter boys on this planet.

We pulled into the parking lot and I thanked my brother once more before getting out and telling him I would text him when I needed him to pick me up.

I went into the mall and waited for Clarissa at our spot. She came through the doors shortly after and we began shopping. We were looking around in Hollister when I saw Monique and decided it was time to leave.

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