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Ariel POV

Time went by and everything was back to normal. Keira even started dating this guy, Travis. He seems pretty nice and she likes him so we're all happy.

Eric and Carson's graduation was rolling around the corner and I was excited for them, but upset for myself. Eric and Carson were both going to universities far away meaning the two most important guys in my life were leaving me.

"Ariel?" My mother called from down stairs. "Do you have a dress picked out for your brothers graduation?"

"Yes mom I showed it to you yesterday!" I called back, rolling my eyes. My mom wanted this to all go perfect. The ceremony, the after party we were hosting, everything. "Wait is it the purple and white one with the bow at the back?" She yelled. "Yes!" "Oh okay! Do you know what Carson is wearing?" She yelled up again. "Mom! Go up to Ariel if you care so much! This is annoying!!" Eric yelled, making me laugh.

I walked down stairs to my mom and answered her. "He said he would try to find a tie in the colour of my dress but no promises." My mom smiled at me. "I'm really happy you two got back together."

"I am too." I smiled. But my smile faded when I started thinking about how he would be leaving in just a couple of months.

My mom frowned in realization and have me a hug. "Don't worry honey, everything will be okay."


I smoothed out my dress and looked in the mirror. My red hair fell in loose curls framing my face. I had on some nude eye shadow, thin eyeliner and mascara, with a bit of concealer and pink lip gloss.

"Come on Mermaid we have to go!" My dad called from down stairs. I slipped on my white heels and picked up my white purse before heading downstairs. My brother stood with my parents in a black tux with a bright green shirt underneath. I walked down and watched my brothers jaw drop. My parents laughed and I smiled. "Thanks Er." I said reaching out to ruffle his hair. "Don't!" He cried out, using his lightning reflexes to grab my wrist. "Chill I wasn't actually gonna." I teased, poking him. "Sure you weren't." He said, rolling his eyes.

We went out to the car and I got a text from Carson asking if we were there yet. I told him we were leaving not and that we would meet him and his family outside.

When we got to the hall that the graduation was being held in, we got out and my parents dragged Eric inside to get him sorted out. "I'll stay out here so I can say hi to Carson when he gets here." I said, leaning against the building and pulling out my phone to play on. They agreed and said they would find me after.

I was in the middle of an intense game of Solitaire when I saw a shadow on the ground in front of me that definitely wasn't mine. "You look amazing, Princess." He breathed. "Hey Car! Nice bow tie!" I said, noticing that he got a purple bow tie to go with his black jacket and pants and white shirt.

I noticed his parents walking over so I turned him around and went to say hi. "Hi Mira!" I said greeting his mother with a hug. "Hi dear." She smiled. "And hi Nicholas." I said, hugging his father as well. "What about me?" I heard a voice say. "Cathryn!" I cried out, hurrying over to Carson's older sister. "Well we had better take Carson in to figure out what to do. Why don't you two girls stay together so we can sit with your family, Ariel. " Mira suggested. "Sounds good mom!" Cathryn answered while I nodded.

Carson gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and left with his parents. I talked with Cathryn for a bit until my dad texted saying for us to come and help save the six seats that we needed. We went in and in no time at all everyone was seated and the ceremony was about to start.

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