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So Carson went back to university and Ariel graduated high school. Neither of them found someone to date, because they still loved each other with all their hearts.

Three years later, Eric proposed to Alyssa and a year after that they got married on a beautiful beach and held the reception under a giant white tent.

Ariel POV

I took the microphone from Alyssa's father and stepped onto the stage.

"As most of you should know, my name is Ariel and I'm Eric's little sister. I'd like to start my speech by congratulating my brother on finding the perfect girl and sending Alyssa my dearest condolences. I know how living with Eric is, and it's not easy." I paused and waited for the laughter to die down. "No but seriously. Alyssa, you are so lucky to have found such a great guy that loves you as much as Eric loves you and I'm so excited to finally have a sister!! Well, that's all I have to say so I'm just going to end this speech off with something that I promised Eric I would say when I was in Grade 11." I looked at Eric and his face was already going red as he remembered what I was about to say. I also saw Carson laughing next to him and my heart swelled. I tore my eyes away and faced the rest of the audience.

"Congratulations to the new Mr. and Mrs. Er-Bear!!" The guests laughed and clapped as I curtsied and walked off the stage.

I noticed that Carson was walking over to me so I went over to my table and sat down. "Hey Ariel." He said. "Oh hi Carson!" I said happily, standing up. "I totally forgot about that Er-Bear thing, but once you mentioned it I held him down just like I promised." He laughed. I laughed as well.

"Do you want to go for a walk? I need some fresh air." He told me. I nodded and headed for the opening. I took my heels off and we began walking along the shore. As we walked we talked about university, which he had just graduated and I was almost done.

"Wait what is that?" He suddenly interrupted pointing to a rock. "What? All I see is a rock." I answered. We headed over and saw that it was a bottle. "Oh it's just a bottle...with a message in it?" I noticed. "Should I read it?" I asked him. He nodded and I picked it up. It said:

You are my princess and I never stopped loving you. I have loved you since I was 6 years old and I will love you eternally. There isn't one person alive that I could possibly love more than you, because any future children we might have aren't alive yet. I know you haven't been my girlfriend in four years after you told me the long distance was too hard for you, but those were the hardest and saddest four years of my life. I need you in my life. I love you with all my heart and I was wondering...(turn around)

I was in shock. I felt the tears streaming down my face as I turned to see Carson down on one knee with a ring in his hand. "Ariel Waters. Will you marry me?"

I was speechless. I nodded and he picked me up and spun me around giving me a sweet, long kiss after setting me down. "I never stopped loving you either." I choked out.

He slipped the ring on my finger and then pulled two things out of his pocket. One was his key ring and the other was a necklace. The tears started back up when I realized that it was he keychain and necklace from Christmas on the day we broke up. He put the necklace around my neck and stood up to connect the pieces. We kissed and made our way back to the reception hand in hand. He led me to the stage and to asked he DJ to turn the music off and suddenly all eyes were on us. "Hi guys! Sorry for the interruption. I just wanted to say that I finally got my princess back and we're engaged!" He smiled, before leaning over and kissing my forehead.

Eric, Alyssa and my parents raced to the stage and hugged us both. And in that moment I was so happy. I had my brother, new sister-in-law, mother, father and my fiancé with me.

After I broke up with Carson, I always hoped we would get back together but I didn't think we would be getting married for a while.

My life was quite the roller coaster ride, but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Because now I'm engaged, to my brothers best friend.


I hope you guys all liked it! I loved writing this story so much.

I'll be coming out with a new story in the near or far future so please keep an eye out for that!

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