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We were a week into July and I was so happy. I spent practically everyday in my pool with either Clarissa and Keira or Carson and Eric.

Today we had invited everyone over for a barbecue because we had nothing better to do.

Clarissa wouldn't shut up about how excited she was to meet Alyssa, Danika and Nicole, while we skimmed the pool and set out chips and popcorn. I was setting out the last bowl of chips when someone jumped on my back. "Keira!" I screamed. She laughed along with Clarissa. "How did you know it was me ?" "Because yore the only person I know that would do that." I answered, slightly shoving her.

I heard voices coming around the house so I went to the gate to see Jesse and Danika walking through. "Ari!" She cheered. "Dani!" I cheered back. "Jesse!" He cheered his own name, mocking us.

"Danika these are my friends Clarissa and Keira. Guys, this is Jesse's...." I trailed off, looking for the right word. "Girlfriend." She finished for me with a smile. "Nice to-" "He asked you to be his girlfriend and you didn't tell me?" I screamed, cutting Clarissa off. "I just did." Danika laughed.

"As I was saying...I'm Clarissa." My best friend continued with a glare. They hugged and then Danika hugged Keira.

One by one, people started arriving and finally everyone was here. Everyone being Eric and I, Clarissa, Keira, Carson, Alex, Jesse, Nicole, Danika, Alyssa, Spencer and Travis.

The girls were all going up to my room to change. I pulled out my purple bikini top and sea green bottoms and put them on. The other girls got ready as well and we went back down to meet the guys, who were already in the pool.

Jesse climbed out and walked towards us. We all made a clear path to Danika and stepped out of the way. He picked her up and jumped in the pool with her while she screamed. Everyone laughed and the rest of us walked over.

"You coming in, Mermaid?" Eric asked me. "Yep!" I ran to the diving board and jumped in. When I surfaced, Keira and Clarissa were in leaving Nicole and Alyssa at the edge.

"Nikki, jump in!" Alex prompted. "I don't want to." She said quietly. "Can you swim?" I asked her. "Sort of..." She trailed off. "Here. Jump to me and I'll catch you." Alex suggested.

All of the girls awwwed and they both blushed. She jumped in, and just as promised, Alex caught her with ease. Alyssa came in after her and we were all having a blast.

"Hey Ari! Remember that chicken war we had earlier in the year?" Clarissa asked. "OMG yes! Shall we have another one?" I asked. Everyone cheered in agreement and the girls all got on the guys shoulders.

Since there were so many of us we decided to have two groups. The first group was Danika and Jesse, Clarissa and Spencer and Eric and Alyssa.

Clarissa was the first to go down and it didn't take Danika much more time to knock Alyssa off her shoulders.

Then it was Keira and Travis, Nicole and Alex and Carson and I. After knocking Keira and I down, Nicole and Alex ended up winning.

I swan over to the diving board and sat on it, ready to commentate the finals.

"Ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming out to join us this fine afternoon. In the chicken finals today we have two couples who are ready to fight. In the first corner we have Danika Hawthorne and Jesse Danforth. And in the other corner we have Nicole Keffson and Alex Manning. With me here I have Eric Waters and Alyssa Hershwood, two previous competitors. Eric? Alyssa? Who do you think will win this final round of the tournament." I said in my best announcer voice, leaving Clarissa dying of laughter and the others laughing as well.

"Uhh I think that Jesse and Dani are gonna win because if the my beat me, they must be good!" Eric answered after some thought.

"Okay and it looks like they're ready to begin." I said, looking and Danika and Nicole, getting on their boyfriends' shoulders.

"Once again we have team Danforth vs Manning!" I announced. "Hey what about my last name??" Danika and Nicole asked together. "Let's face it guys those will be your last names eventually. Why not now?" I answered simply.

Everyone laughed and they started.

"Danforth takes a step forward. Manning seems to be trash talking Danforth. Danforth grabs Manning's shoulders. Manning seems to be losing balance. Oh and she takes Danforth'a shoulders and OHHHHH!!! Holy mackinaw we have a winner!! Team Manning wins!!" I shout, enthusiastically like any sports announcer would.

I jumped down from the diving board and went to hang out with my friends.

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