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When I was nearing my house I saw Eric's car in the driveway. The first thing I thought of was Ariel deciding to forgive me so I ran up to my door.

Eric knew where we kept the spare key so when I didn't see them in the car I knew they were inside. I swung open the door but didn't get the greeting I was expecting. Instead of a loving kiss on the cheek from my beautiful girlfriend, I received a full blown punch to the face from her brother.

I groaned and touched my nose. Sure enough, there was blood dripping down. "What the hell?" I asked a fuming Eric.

"You cheated on my little sister with MARCY!!" He screamed. "I'm sorry Eric! I wasn't thinking!" I choked out. "I need to get her back and I have no idea how." I mumbled.

"Well, now that my big brother role is done, I can be the best friend again. Even though you were an asshole, you need to win her back. I can tell you two are good for each other, you just need to learn how to communicate or she's going to cry herself to sleep in my arms each time she gets a project with a guy." He explained and my heart dropped.

"She cried herself to sleep last night?" I asked, horrified. "Ya. She was sobbing into my chest last night and she just fell asleep." He explained to me. "Eric I have to do something!" I panicked. "Damn right you do." He muttered, and we began thinking.


Day after day, Ariel ignored me. I tried everything I could think of to get her to talk to me. It breaks my heart because I know she misses me. Eric told me that sometimes he will find her cuddled up the to hoodie I left there one time. And I know he's been telling her that I've been doing awful as well.

The plan I came up with with Eric was a lot of work, but I would do it till the end of eternity for Ariel. It took a lot of YouTube videos and thinking, but it was almost ready.

It had be a week since I told Ariel what happened, and a week since she had talked to me. Sometimes, I would call her, just to listen to her voicemail message, and hear her angelic voice. Even though we've only been together for a short time, I feel like I'm missing my other half.

I checked my clock and headed out the door. The past week I've been walking to school because Eric would rather drive Ariel than me; and driving both of us isn't an option at the moment. When I got to school I headed straight for Ariel's locker. Keira saw me coming but I begged her with my eyes to not say anything. When I reached them I cleared my throat. Ariel turned around and looked at me. "What do you want Carson?" She muttered. "Come over tonight?" I pleaded.

She looked around and sighed. "I'll think about it." And with that, Clarissa grabbed her arm and pulled her away, with Keira right behind them.

As if the fact that Ariel wasn't speaking to me wasn't bad enough, Marcy told the whole school about what happened and everyone was giving me dirty looks and sort of avoiding me as well.

To make it short, I was living in hell.

Ariel POV

If I said I didn't miss Carson, I would be lying. As mad and hurt as I was, I was happy that he came to talk to me. I've been crying myself to sleep for the past week now, knowing that he would cheat on me with Marcy. I hope Eric hasn't noticed that I stole Carson's sweatshirt from his room to sleep with each night. And if he has I hope he kept it to himself.

The moment Carson asked me over my answer was yes, but I knew I had to make it seem like I wasn't sure.

Once Clarissa dragged me away, she pulled me to a corner and stopped. "You're not actually going, are you?" She asked. "Of course I am..." I told her in a duhh tone. "Why? He cheated on you!" She exclaimed. "Did he cheat on you Clarissa?" Keira cut in. Clarissa opened her mouth but Keira didn't let her say anything. "No. So let her make her own decision." "Okay. I just can't believe he did that." Clarissa said after a moment of silence.

I hugged her and Keira joined in. "Don't worry. I'll be fine."

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