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While she drove I told Evie everything. I told her about the day Eric and Carson asked for my help, and when they had that huge fight resulting in my first kiss with Carson, how he ignored me, when Carson asked me out and of course...Monique. By the time I had finished my life story of the past month or so, Evelyn had pulled up to a small cafe near her house, and we were seated drinking hot chocolate.

"He remembers the day he first met you when he was 6?!?" Evelyn asked, exasperated. "Ev!! Is that actually all you got from that?" I asked her shocked. "Sorry. Monique. Terrible person. Wait she's threatening you?" She asked me. "Ya. She said I better stay away from Carson or else. I mean she's capable of beating me to a pulp. If you didn't notice, I'm not an athletic girl. And if I tell Carson he's gonna tell her and she'll still be mad so I don't know what to do!"

Evelyn sat there thinking for a bit, taking a sip of her drink every so often. Suddenly she looked up with a smile on her face. "I've got an idea. But for it to work, we have to let Eric in on it."

Evelyn told me her plan and I smiled. It was actually pretty genius and I think it could work. Evelyn and I went to the mall for a bit after our hot chocolate and did some trying stuff on and giving store clerks bad excuses when they asked if we were buying anything. This one store had these Swiss Maiden dresses that we just had to try on. They looked ridiculous!

We were in the middle of taking pictures when a store lady came and got mad at us. We quickly changed and handed back the dresses claiming they didn't fit well.

"Evelyn Marie Jennings. I would expect more maturity out of a married woman!" I teased. "Really? You expect me to be mature? Honey you're dreaming." She said back. We did some more shopping before I got a text from Eric saying Carson was leaving our house soon so if I wanted to see him I should head back now so Evie took me back home.

I thanked Evie for the help and promised to tell her how it all played out and then walked into the house.

"Whoever's here I'm home!!" I yelled out. "Upstairs!" Eric called from him room I'm assuming.

"Hey Ari!" Carson said happily, hugging me and then dragging me to sit in his lap on Eric's bed. "Hey Car. Hey Er Bear." I giggled. "Seriously Ar! It was cute when you were 7. Now you're 17! Grow up!" Eric moaned after I used his nickname. "Sorry bro, but I'm calling you Mr. and Mrs. Er Bear Waters when I give my speech at your wedding." I smirked, receiving a high-five from Carson. "Ya? Well I won't let you give a speech!" He decided, crossing his arms as if to dare me to try and top it. "I ask the DJ for the mic, get Alex, Jesse and Carson as my body guards and watch you wallow away in embarrassment while I talk. Easy." I smirked, crossing my arms as well. "Okay then I'll call you....ummmm.....Princess at your wedding!" Eric decided, looking proud of himself. I just gave him a blank look. "Cool. Everyone calls me either Princess, Mermaid, Little Mermaid, Ar or Ari so take your pick I don't care." I replied, amused.

Eric looked defeated as he lightly punched my shoulder and headed downstairs. "Oh my god, Ari you actually outsmarted him!" Carson joked.

"What do you mean actually outsmarted him? You think I'm dumb and can't outsmart anyone?" I asked, pretending to be offended by his statement. Carson's smile instantly faded and he looked like someone had just told him that his dog got hit by a bus.

"What? No! No I didn't mean it like that I just meant because Eric always-" He began with a panicked tone to his voice. "Car. I was only kidding! Don't worry!" I reassured, laughing.

"Seriously? Oh thank god!" He cried out, wrapping his arms around me. I giggled and moved closer to him. "You looked so scared though!" I laughed. "You're a mean girlfriend, did you know that?" He joked. "Yaaaa....but you love me." I added, cheery. "Can't argue there!" He said softly. And with that he pressed his soft lips onto mine and we shared our first real kiss. After a couple of seconds, we pulled away and just sat there staring at each other smiling.

Our little moment was ruined when the doorbell rang and Carson had to leave.

Once he was gone, I remembered Evelyn's plan and decided I should tell Eric now. "Hey Eric!! I need to talk to you about something! And it's important so butt to the couch now!" I yelled up the stairs. I heard him yell down "Coming!" And once he was there I explained everything.

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