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"Ariel go get the boys while I let Evie and Daniel in." My mom said as she went to the door with my dad. I nodded and went to Eric's room. "Evie and Daniel are here." I said after knocking. "Okay let's go!" Eric said.

"Yep, they should be down in a second." I heard my mom say on our way down. "Ari!!" Evelyn screamed when she saw me. "Evie!!" I screamed back and ran down the stairs and into her arms. "I haven't seen you in so long!" She exclaimed while hugging me.

"And Eric!! Ugh I missed you too!" She said letting me go and hugging my brother. "Oh my freaking god. Carson?" She asked. Carson nodded and went in for a hug as well. "Oh my god I haven't seen you since you were 6!" She added. She sighed and turned towards Daniel. "Daniel, this my cousin Ariel, my cousin Eric and Eric's best friend Carson. I used to babysit them when they were younger." She explained.

"Well it's very nice to meet you all. And Ariel I love your hair. I think I'll call you...Little Mermaid." He said laughing at the end. I laughed too and went to hug him. Then he did the bro hug thing with my brother and Carson and we all followed my mom into the dining room for dinner.

I spent most of dinner talking about the wedding with Evelyn and my mom and the guys all talked about football and soccer or something. I don't know much about sports. I know what touchdowns and goals are, but that's only because Eric plays football and soccer.

"So my best friend Hannah is going to be my maid of honour and I have two other girls and you as my bridesmaids." Evelyn said while she ate. "What colour were you thinking for dresses?" My mom asked. "Since it's going to be a summer wedding, I was thinking we would find a pretty dress, and then have each of you wear it in a different colour." Evie explained. "Do you have colours picked out for each person yet?" I asked. "Yep! Hannah is wearing purple, Abby is wearing blue, Haley is wearing pink and you're wearing green. I hope that's okay with you." Evelyn happily stated.

"Sounds incredible! Let's see it's May, so the wedding is in...three months!" My mom said excitedly. "I can't wait! It's going to be beautiful Evie!" I said, reaching over and giving her a hug.

We talked about the wedding for a bit longer until everyone was done eating. Then we went into the living room and ate cake and had giant conversations about tons of things until it was 11:30 and Evelyn and Daniel had to leave.

"Bye Little Mermaid." Daniel said pulling me into a hug. I laughed. "I need a nickname for you now! Let's see...Daniel...I'll get back to you." I said while returning his hug. "Bye Evie! By the way, I approve." I said hugging her as well. "Good! But even if you didn't I don't really care." She replied laughing and sticking her tongue out at me.

Eric, Carson and my parents said goodbye and the happy couple left. "Carson honey, you can either call your parents to get you or stay over. I don't care." My mom told him after closing the door.

"My mom told me to call her so I'll do that. Thank you though Mrs. Waters." Carson said while reaching for his phone. "Carson I've known you almost as long as I've know Ariel. Call me Kim." She said fake mad. "Sorry, Kim." He said. Then he walked out of the room to call his mom and I plopped myself down on the couch and to watch TV. I was watching Love It or List It with Eric when Carson came out. "My dad will be here soon to pick me up." He said while sitting in between my brother and I.

"So are you going to Love It?"

"Or will you List It?"

"They would be idiotic to love." I said. "Are you kidding? If we had the kitchen Hilary gave them in our house, I would actually cook!" Eric argued. "That's one room dude. Sorry, but I'm going with Ari on this one." Carson confessed. Eric smirked and said, "Okay Car, okay." What? "Oh so your friends can't be right?" I asked. "No, no it's not because he agreed it's just.....never mind." Eric trailed off with a smile. Well. Now I'm confused.

"We have decided to...list it."

"HA!" I said jumping up and pointing at my brother, getting ready to pounce. He put his hands up in surrender and laughed. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Carson help me she's gonna attack!!" "Sorry bro. I'm staying out of this." He laughed.

I jumped on my brother and started tickling him. Let's be honest. He's a 6 foot 2 football player and I'm a 5 foot 5 not-football player. Beating him up is never really an option, so I tickle.

"Carson I'm begging you!! Help!!" Eric begged between laughs. Soon enough I felt two arms wrapped tightly around my waist and I was lifted off my brother in no time.

"You suck." I told him when he put me down. "Awww. That was so sweet Ariel! Thank you." He replied sarcastically before giving me a hug. For the short time I was in his arms, I breathed in and got a small whiff of his sweet cologne before he released me and stuck his tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes and sat back on the couch adverting my attention to the episode of Property Brothers that had just started. As you can probably tell, my family likes watching the House Hunters, Real Estate kind of shows.

About 10 minutes later, we heard the doorbell ring and Eric and Carson got up to let Mr. Matthews in.

"Bye meanie!" I called from the living room when I heard him say goodbye to Eric. "Bye Ariel!" He shouted back with a laugh. And with that I heard the door shut, and Eric joined me on the couch.

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