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The next few days went by as normal, nothing really happening.

"So Clarissa, how's Spencer doing?" I asked while the three of us ate lunch. Clarissa smiled at the mention of her boyfriend and began speaking. "He's great! We're hanging out after school today."

Clarissa and Spencer met at some Christmas volunteer thing last year and have been dating for about a year now. Since they go to different schools it's hard to see each other but they make it work. I'm kind of jealous of them. They seem to have such a dramaless and problem free relationship. And Spencer treats Rissy like a princess which is absolutely adorable.

"So I guess it's just you and me then Ariel!" Keira said to me, sticking her tongue out at Clarissa. "Hey you're just jealous that your single!" Clarissa playfully fought back. "Woah woah woah Rissy. We all know that Ariel over here won't be single for long." Keira added. "Touché." Clarissa laughed. "What?! What are you guys talking about??" I asked extremely confused. "Oh come on Ariel don't act like you don't know." Keira said. "I'm not acting, I really don't know!" I argued. "Ari. It's more than obvious that Carson likes you. Especially after that story you told us about the wedding." Clarissa explained. "You guys are crazy. I'm just his best friends little sister." I said. "Yes. And in all the books, and movies and TV shows how do the best friend and the sister end up?" Keira pointed out. "They end up happily married in a mansion with absolutely no problems because without a happy ending the director who wrote the script won't make money. Great observation Kee." I said with fake enthusiasm. "Okay well you can be oblivious but Keira and I will make sure the ship sets sail." Clarissa smiled. "Oh God..." I mumbled when they started making a couple name for the couple that will never happen. "I got it! Cariel!" Clarissa exclaimed. "Call me that in front of him and I'll go Ursula on you." I threatened playfully.

Since my name is Ariel, I naturally love The Little Mermaid. Ever since I was little I've been awful at giving threats like If you take my juice box I swear... And stuff like that. Not actual threats. Anyways, since Ursula is the villain to the Disney princess that I was named after, whenever people do stuff that makes me mad I threaten to go Ursula on them. I never said it was a good threat, I just said I have a reason behind it.

We talked and had playful arguments throughout our lunch hour. Keira said that she swears Carson and Alex were looking at our table but I think she's just trying to tease me.


The final bell rang and I walked out of the school with Clarissa and Keira. "Do you guys see him?" Clarissa asked referring to her boyfriend. "Ummm...yep! He's over there beside his truck." Keira announced once she spotted him. We walked over and Spencer engulfed Clarissa in a hug.

"Hey Spence." She said. "Hey Princess, how was your day?" He asked. "Awwwwww." Keira and I cooed in sync. They both looked over at us and Clarissa gave us the go-away-now look. "Okay we're sorry. Bye Spencer. Be good to her!" Keira said as we began backing away. "Ya Spencer. Remember. Boom. Boom." I added flexing each time I said boom. " yes ma'am." He laughed. We waved and made our way to Eric's car where we waited for him to drive us home.

"Thanks for the ride Eric!" Keira thanked once we pulled up to her house, which was on the way to our house from the school. "No problem Keira. See ya later."

"So Carson's coming by later." Eric told me while we drove home. "That's new." I replied with my tongue out. "Ya ya ya. We have some stuff to talk about. Now I'm only telling you this because I need your help. He's thinking about asking a girl out but he's not sure of he should because he might like someone else but he doesn't think he has a chance with the someone else. He needs my advice but I'm me. What do I know about these things? You're a girl. So you have to know. So what should he do?" Eric rambled.

"Well if he likes this girl and thinks she likes him back then I think he should go for it. Maybe it will get his mind off the other girl too!" I explained after a moment of thought. "Thanks Ari! Trust me that helps us both more than you would think." He said while driving.

"Helps us both? How would it help me?" I asked curiously. Eric hesitated a bit before answering. "Because now you don't have to deal with Carson coming over every single day complaining about how badly I failed him." I was about to point out how little sense that made but we pulled into our driveway and Eric was already half way to the door.

Still extremely confused, I grabbed my bag from the back, slung it over my shoulder and made my way to the front door where I could hear Eric explaining his plans with Carson to my mom.

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