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When we got into the party room people were already seated at tables, which had eight spots each. Alex noticed an empty table and ran to it, claiming it. "Do you guys have dates?" I asked Alex and Jesse. "Yep! They both wanted to talk to their families a but before coming in so they said to meet them at the drinks table." Jesse answered.

They both decided they would go and wait so that left Carson, Eric and I. "And Eric?" I asked, turning to my brother. "His girlfriend should be here soon." Carson said, his eyes widening as soon as he processed that in his head. I looked at Eric and he was glaring at his friend. "Girlfriend?" I asked. "Eric you have a girlfriend?"

"Ya, her name is Alyssa and we've been dating for about 3 weeks." Eric smiled. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, confused. "I didn't want mom and dad to know yet because mom would endlessly pester me to meet her and I didn't want that yet. I was going to tell you when I introduced you tonight but Carson couldn't keep his big mouth shut." He explained.

I laughed and I noticed a shorter girl with brown hair, making her way over. She was wearing a green dress that touched the floor and she looked great in it. She held her finger to her lips when she saw that I noticed her and came right behind Eric. She put her hands over his eyes and said, "Guess who!" Eric smiled and turned around to give who I assumed was Alyssa a kiss on the cheek.

"Ari, this is my girlfriend Alyssa Hershwood. Lys, this is my sister/Carson's girlfriend Ariel." Eric introduced. I stuck my hand out for her to shake but she pushed it down and came in for a hug. I giggled and hugged her back. "It's so nice to meet you!" She exclaimed happily. "Eric has told me so much about you!"

I talked to Alyssa for a bit and she seemed like a great person all around. She was pretty, sweet, funny and very outgoing. I was telling her funny stories about Eric like any good little sister would when I saw Alex and Jesse returning to the table with two girls; one in a long blue dress with a slit and one with a short pink dress.

"Ari, this is my date, Danika Hawthorne." Jesse introduced, pointing to the blonde girl in blue. "And this is my date Nicole Keffson." Alex added, gesturing to the brunette in pink. I smiled. "Hi! I'm Ariel, Eric's sister and Carson's girlfriend." I introduced myself, hugging each girl. "Oh don't be silly, we've seen you around before." Nicole giggled. "Ya. And Carson loves to talk about you." Danika added.

Everyone laughed and Carson blushed a deep shade of red. I went over to him and kissed his cheek. "That's cute." I teased.

It had only been about 10 minutes and I already really liked Danika, Nicole and Alyssa a lot. I found out that Alyssa was going to the same university as Eric was which made me happy for them, but it also reminded me that they were leaving. Danika said that she was going to take a year off to decide what she was going to do and Nicole was attending the university downtown like Jesse and Alex were.

We talked about everything, from boys, to friends, to futures, even to pickles (don't ask because I don't even know) before we decided it was time to eat. When we headed back to our table there were already plates of food at all eight spots. We stood their confused until Eric came and pulled Alyssa's chair out for her and tucked her in. Then Alex did the same for Nicole, and Jesse and Carson did the same for Danika and I.

"You got us food?" Danika asked, amazed. "Oh my god you guys DO like us!" Alyssa gasped, causing the eight of us to laugh. "Yes, we really do." Carson answered, kissing my head.

The boys sat down to eat with us and I knew it was going to be an amazing night.

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