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Carly's POV

"I-I'm ready," I replied, nerves taking over. "We need to work on the nervous stutter," Nikki said, grabbing my hand and leading me outside, shutting the door behind me. "I'll help you with that, once you are around me for a while, you'll be outgoing like me." He said. "I-I just have real-really bad anxiety." I replied. Nikki walked over to his car and opened the passenger door for me. I smiled a little and got inside. He shut the door and raced over to the other side, getting in as well.

"Anxiety? I don't know much about that," he said. "H-How it affects me," I started. "I'm worried, n-nervous and I-I always fee-feel uneasy." I struggled to speak. "Well, I'll be here for ya." Nikki said, looking over at me, resting his hand on my thigh.

I stiffened up and Nikki started the car. "Where to?" He asked. "Hm?" I asked, looking at him. "Where do you wanna go?" He asked me. "I said, call me so we can go to somewhere where you're comfortable," he started. "So, where are you most comfortable?" He asked me. I pondered where I am most comfortable at, then I thought of it.

"Okay," I said, fighting the stuttering. "If you start driving, you'll come to an intersection and you just take a right." I spoke, softly.

"Are you gonna tell me where I'm taking you?" He asked, laughing a little and starting to drive. "Nope, it's a surprise." I smiled, relaxing a little.

Nikki glanced over at me and smiled at me. "Holy shit, you like Kiss?!" He exclaimed. I nodded. "I love KISS, my middle name is Beth, which is funny because they have a song called Beth." I giggled. "That's so cool, Carls." He replied. "Is it okay I call you that?" He asked, I nodded. "Of course."

I continued to tell him the directions until we arrived. "A playground?" He asked me, laughing. "I love playgrounds, mainly for the swings." I said, smiling. "And nobody even really knows where this is at, that's why I like it so much. It's secluded." I added on, unbuckling my seat belt. "Let me," he said, doing the same and running to my side and opened the door for me. I got out, thanking him.

"Mmmm, race you to the swings!" He shouted, running towards the swings. "Not fair!" I yelled after him, shutting his car door and racing after him. Nikki's laugh filled the air and I felt myself smiling as I was running behind him. "You're legs are longer than mine, it's not fair!" I laughed, still running behind him. Nikki made it to the swings before I could and sat down. I ran to the swing next to him, huffing. "I won," he simply said, starting to swing. "Whatever, you cheated." I giggled. Nikki put his hand on his chest, acting offended. "I did not! How dare you accuse me of that!" He replied. I giggled and started to swing.

I felt myself loosen up around Nikki, I felt myself enjoying my time and it was the best feeling ever. I haven't been around a guy that makes me feel so comfortable.

We both stopped swinging after a while and he ended up sitting on the edge of a slide and I was sitting in the mulch. The sun was setting and we were both sitting and talking about anything and everything. "You know, you can sit on my lap." Nikki spoke up. "I'm not gonna bite, and I'm sure it's more comfortable than sitting in the mulch." He said. I hesitantly stood up and walked over and gently sat on his lap. "You're not gonna break me, relax, Carls." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist, I relaxed and laid my head on his shoulder and looked up at the purple and pink sky from the sun setting.

"Don't you just love the clouds?" I almost said in a whisper. "Yeah, I do." He replied. "It's beautiful. Life is really shitty sometimes but, no matter what, the clouds are always the one beautiful thing. It's constant and I like that." I started. "Nothing in life is permanent, but the one thing that is permanent are the clouds." I finished. Nikki stayed silent for a moment, "I love the way you think." He finally said. "And, this has been a great day, Beautiful." He said, pulling me closer to him.

I felt the blush creep onto my cheeks, I smiled and leaned into him more, I somewhat felt sad because this date is going to be coming to an end. Or, is it even a date? I have no clue.

"When do you wanna leave?" He asked me, rubbing my back. "Never," I replied, wrapping my arms around Nikki, he chuckled. "Well, I like that answer but, it's getting late, I don't wanna keep you out all night." He replied. I frowned a little. "Aw, okay." I said, standing up. Nikki grabbed my hand and we walked to his car. "Do you need directions to get to my house?" I asked. He shook his head. "Nah, it wasn't that far away." He replied and opened the door for me. I thanked him and got inside. Nikki got in after me and started to drive.

"Was this the best day ever?" He asked me, stopping at a stop sign. "Yes, it was. You were right." I replied, smiling.

He pulled up to my house and walked me up to my door. "Well, this is where we part ways," he replied. "Thank you for today." I said, smiling up at him. "No, thank you for giving me a chance. I know how scared you were of me," he chuckled. "Are you still scared of me?" He asked me. I thought about it, I look up at Nikki and I have a good feeling about him, I love talking to him, he's easy to talk to. We just clicked and I'm excited for it, I'm still kinda nervous, I don't know much about him and I didn't reveal anything about myself, really.

"I'm not scared," I replied. "Okay, good. So, I can do this." He said. "Do wha-" I was cut off by his lips pressing against mine, my eyes went wide and I tried to relax a little more into the kiss and his arms moved around my waist and he pulled me into him, my arms wrapped around his neck, I was very stiff with my movements, I wasn't expecting him to kiss me.

He broke the kiss and got a look at my surprised face and chuckled. "Goodnight, Carly. I'll see you again soon," he said and walked back to his car, leaving me stunned and my heart racing.

(a/n: yay we're finally progressing their relationship:'D i hope you enjoyed, please vote, thank you for reading. feedback is always welcome, okay bye👻)

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