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Carly's POV

It's been a few days since I've seen Nikki, we've been talking on the phone and I learned that he's just two blocks away from me and I decided that today would be the day I surprise him at his house, it's my day off and I'm hoping we can spend the day together.

I looked at my appearance in my full length mirror and smiled a little. I have tight black jeans on and just a black and white flannel on. I walked over and slipped my shoes on and grabbed my pack of cigarettes and walked out the door.

Driving there, I felt my nerves build up. I'm nervous and excited to see him again. I parked out in front of his home and walked up the steps to his home. I breathed out and knocked on the door.

I stood there for a few minutes before knocking again. Still no answer, I frowned a little. I guess he's not home. I turned on my heel to head back home when I saw his car and his motorcycle here. So, he's home. Why isn't he answering? I sucked in a sharp breath and reached my hand to the doorknob. I only just met Nikki, I don't wanna intrude but, I felt that I needed to come in. Something wasn't feeling right.

I slowly turned the doorknob and miraculously it was open, I slowly pushed open the door. "Nikki?" I called out before stepping into the house. No answer. I almost left right then and there but, something really felt off. I slowly stepped inside and shut the door behind me. I stepped closer to the living room and my heart felt like it was gonna leap out of my chest.

The anticipation was killing me but, I kept walking. The scene I was met with, I became absolutely paralyzed with fear. I was stunned, I couldn't move. I saw Nikki sitting on his couch, head leaned back, eyes shut. On the table in front of him, empty bags, needles, a spoon, a lighter and a razor.

Part of me wanted to run. Run away until my lungs collapsed and my legs gave out underneath of me. But, I must do something. I can't leave him like this. I can't leave him all alone.

I finally snapped out of it and slowly walked over to him, his chest was moving up and down at a steady rate, so I know he's stable. I sat down next to him and placed my hand on his arm.

"Nikki?" I whispered, moving him a little. "Nikki, you need to wake up." I spoke a little louder. "Mm," he mumbled, moving his head a little. "Nikki, wake up." I spoke my normal volume. He opened his eyes a little and looked around. "Carly?" He spoke, his head turning and facing me. "What are you doing here?" His words were weak. "I came to surprise you, what's going on?" I asked, my mouth going dry.

I've never been around someone like this before, I had no idea Nikki was doing this to himself. "I'm just-" Nikki cut himself off by quickly standing up and running to the other room, I could hear him throwing up. I quickly followed him and saw him on his knees in front of the toilet, I quickly grabbed his hair and held it back for him, my heart was beating out of my chest. I've never been in a situation like this before.

"Nikki, why don't I get you to bed so you can rest? I'll get a trash can for you, I'll get some water, you need to relax." I said, Nikki flushed the toilet and shook his head. "I can't, they'll get me if I fall asleep." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Who's gonna get you?" He quickly stood up, ignoring my question. "Follow me. Now. Before they get you, too." I heard him say. I ran after the sound of his voice and he was in his room, rummaging through his drawers. "Nikki, what're you-" I cut myself off when he pulled out a gun. "Nikki.." I trailed off, stepping back a little.

I don't know what to do in a situation like this, he's obviously not himself, at the moment. He has a gun, I don't know what he's capable of. "Carly, get in here. I don't want them to get you!" He yelled, grabbing onto my arm and pulling me into his room. He shut the door and locked it behind me and then ran around his room and shut all of the curtains, only a single lit candle was the source of light.

"Nikki, calm down." I said, walking over to him, I grabbed his arm and looked up at him. His eyes are blood shot, he can barely keep them open. "Whatever you think is after you is all in your head-" "I'm not crazy!" He exclaimed, his voice breaking and tears filling his eyes. "I know you're not." I replied. "Put the gun down, please. I'm here and nothing's out to get you." I replied. He slowly nodded and handed me his gun. I put the gun back in his drawer and walked back over to him.

"Carly, I'm scared." His voice shook. "I'm really scared," a tear ran down his cheek. He pulled me in for a hug and his body shook with sobs. "Nikki, I'm right here. There's nothing to be scared of. I promise, you're okay.." I soothed, rubbing his back.

(a/n: i hope you enjoyed. special thanks to my beeb for helping me with my story, yet again💗if you did enjoy, please vote. thank you so much for reading, feedback is always welcome. bye!)

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