The Change/Prologue

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If you'd didn't read the previous chapter: this one is garbage. If you really wanna read it then just go read the first chapter of my other book Because I Feel Like It and skip the first two chapter of this.

First posted 9/16/18 Re-written 6/9/19

Did you read the introductory chapter? You'd better have! Anyways, yes, this is short, it's the prologue. The characters present are Tony, Steve, Thor, Bruce, Natasha, Clint and Peter. Characters are added later. Now, let the shenanigans begin!

It was an average Thursday morning in the Avengers Compound. At least that's what most thought. No there wasn't a supervillain on the rise, no there wasn't a new magical being coming to Earth, and no Clint was not going to try some 'new recipe' that would poison them all. At the very least it wasn't dangerous. The change Tony woke up to was rather odd.

He made his way to the nearest coffee machine, that being in the living room. Granted, he had coffee machines in nearly every room, the living room was just the most convenient for his slug-like body.

As he entered, a new face sat on the couch. Her legs, drenched in forest green pants, sat up on the cushion next to her. A lighter green tunic-like material covered the arms and torso holding a copy of Shakespeare's Hamlet. Her curled raven locks held itself in a ponytail, and her emerald eyes pierced the page, consuming every word.

Tony was greatly confused. It could be the hangover of last night's shenanigans, or perhaps some vivid dream that he would awake from moments later to find everything normal.

"'Morning, Stark," the woman said, her voice heavy with a British-but-not-quite accent. She became aware of his presence and stares. Her eyes met his: they were cold, with a spark behind them, something Tony had become very aware of in their first encounter.

"Is that you, Reindeer Games?" He said, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. It was a futile attempt to clear his vision of what he first thought was a hallucination.

"Yes," the woman answered, her voice clearly showing her annoyance with the nickname.

Tony's eyes drank in Loki's new appearance as the coffee prepared itself behind him. "What's with the new look?" Loki always went full out with his looks, and with this one, he- she?- they went full out. There is a reason they call Tony a playboy...

"Felt like I needed a change. Do you like it?" they added in a flirtatious tone, clearly aware of the stares they received.

Okay, this is getting weird, Tony thought. Where the Hell is Thor? He's the only one who knows about his sibling's shit.

What did you guys think of this premise, huh? Since I found out that it was announced that Loki was canonically Genderfluid Pan/Bisexual in the new comic coming out in 2019, I've been on the lookout of Genderfluid!Loki stories. When I couldn't find what I was looking for, I decided to make my own. Feel free to correct my mistakes, if I make any. Feel free to leave requests too!

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