Lady Loki is not weak Pt. 2

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Zil, you're scaring everyone!
That's what I'm here to do, Roo-Roo
Don't call me that... Let's just get this over with
Excellent! Let's begin...

First it was black, then it was white.

First she could feel everything, then she felt nothing.

Like she was floating.

But instead of being dropped by the dark abyss, she was cradled by a light warmth.

She opened her eyes to find nothing. The tears were gone. The pain was gone. Practically everything around her was gone.

A small breeze pulled her hair past her face, and the place got warmer. Slowly she turned her head to see a figure standing close.


Both women lurched forward, wrapping each other in their arms. While they weren't sad, tears still ran down their faces. Only this time, Loki wasn't afraid of them.

Frigga whispered sweet nothings into her daughter's ears. "It's alright. It's okay. I'm here now. Everything's okay..."

They weren't aware of how long they stayed like that. Time had no meaning where they were.

"I missed you so much. I'm so sorry," were the only words her daughter could muster. Frigga hushed her, running her fingers through the younger ones black mane.

Loki pulled back, meeting her mother's eyes. "So...I suppose I'm dead then...."

"Not quite," her mother replied, earning her a raised eyebrow. "I wished to see you again when I got the chance. You've cheated death so many times, yet I haven't gotten to speak with you." A small chuckle escaped from the younger ones mouth. "But you can't be dead for real yet. You have so much more to do."

Frigga put her hands lovingly on the sides of her daughters face, cradling her and wiping her tears as if she were a child once again. "I've waited so long to see you again," she began again. "But not long enough. They need you. Thor needs you. Peter needs you."

Loki once again met her eyes, in some confusion as she mentioned her friend's name.
"Promise me," Frigga commanded. "Promise me you'll look after them. Promise me you'll take care of them."

"Only if you promise you'll be here when we arrive," she replied. "Promise me you'll be here when Peter comes. When Anthony comes. When Thor comes. When they all come. Promise me you'll be here to greet them. Promise you'll be here for us... Promise you'll be here... for me."

Frigga placed a fond kiss on her forehead. "I'll wait to the end of time if it means I will see you again."

"We don't have much time left." The reuniting family hugged one more time. "Make sure to hug Thor for me," Frigga requested. Loki rolled her eyes as they faded away.



Everything was dark again. But the slight warmth still was there, just not as encompassing.


All her senses were as if they were dialed down. Slightly muffled, but slowly returning.


She was so tired.


By Odin's eyepatch, what was that infernal beeping?


It was beyond annoying. She was trying to rest here!


She opened her eyes to find a bright light, which she quickly covered with her left arm.


"Could someone stop that infernal sound. It's driving me crazy!" Her voice was slightly slurred from lack of use.

"Lo!" Said the eager voice as the boy it belonged to ran to the place she laid. "You're awake!"

"And you're loud," she said harshly, making Peter blush slightly in shame. "Could you be a dear and turn off the lights," she asked, the harsh tone not fading.

"Sure, sorry," he whispered. "JARVIS, turn lights to 20%."

The AI obeyed, allowing Loki to remove her arm and sit up a little. "How long have I been out?"

"A few days. Three, I think," the young boy replied. Her right hand was heavier than usual. She looked at it, only to be met with what she believed was called a cast. It was green, and a certain someone drew a spider on it.

"How cute," she commented, with a hint of sarcasm but no meaning behind it. Peter giggled in response, scratching the back of his head.

The door to the room suddenly burst open, with Thor, followed by a few of the team, behind it. "Sister! The talking wall has alerted us that you have awoken!"

Loki took a deep inhale, trying to steady the pain in her forehead. "Thor. I'm going to ask this if you once. Either shut your mouth, or do your very best to keep it as quiet as you can. My head feels like it's been given a massage by Mjolnir..."

Thor gave a hearty chuckle until it was silenced by Loki's glare, signifying that she was 100% serious.

"So what caused this," Bruce asked as he checked over the machines and her wrist.

"These idiots couldn't see falling stone if their life depended on it, so I created a shield. I became stuck with it, and I believe the exhaustion came from the large amount of magic used from holding the shield too long. My magic often works like that," she explained, casually forgetting to mention the mental breakdown. They already saw her afterwards. No need to make it worse.

"Your magic seemed to have healed most of your wounds," Bruce explained, as he removed her IV, (Which hurts like a bitch I can tell you that), "and you can walk around sometime today if you feel like it, but the wrist still needs another two weeks."

She nodded slightly in understanding, she'd have to deal with this hand prison for the next two weeks, which would be inconvenient.

"So, uhh, want anything for breakfast," Peter asked. "Toast? Light brown with butter and strawberry jam, crust cut off?"

Loki chuckled quietly, "You know how I like it. Apparently."

What? That was hardly angsty! I am disappoint.
Well, Disappoint, I wanted to make a cute heartfelt chapter to make up for the last one. . They've waited long enough!
You can't get rid of me that easily. You gave me power. I'm here now, and there's nothing you can do to change that.
I'll be back.

Just you wait.

Btw my friend was so jealous and mad at me for getting 2k that she left our table at lunch and went over to another friend of ours and said "You're my new best friend now." XD

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