Lady Loki finds something better than tea☕️

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Dec 28th 2018

It was a December night, and Loki, Peter, and a handful of the Avengers were having a movie night. There were snacks strewn across the coffee table, which also included a few mugs of coffee. Glad to see it's living up to its name.

But Peter had a cup of something that wasn't coffee. And Loki noticed this, as she was sitting next to him as they shared a green and red polka-dot blanket. Peter's coffee was always a light brown, containing half a spoon of sugar and two splashes of cream (don't ask how she knows that).

All coffee had a very strong and bitter smell, like the taste. The liquid in the mug was a slightly different brown, and had a far sweeter smell with a hint of peppermint. Then again, that could be her own peppermint tea.

"What do you have there?" She whispered. "It doesn't seem like coffee..."

"It's hot chocolate," he exclaimed.

She knew what melted chocolate looked like, and this definitely wasn't it. "May I..." she hesitated for a moment, "try this refreshment?"

"Sure! I might as well refill." Peter smiled and got up from the couch, with Loki following close behind.

He grabbed a package of candy-canes, chocolate, and a carton of milk, placing it all next to the stove. So that's where the peppermint smell came from, she thought. "So, what exactly is this?"

Peter rinsed out the small pot he used before, filled it with milk, and began to heat it up. "A hot drink like milk and chocolate, plus candy-canes for Christmas, of course! It's one of the most winter-y drinks you can get." When the milk was hot enough, he added chopped up bits of chocolate and candy-canes, and continued to mix. "Aunt May used to make it all the time for me. She made it so much that she eventually taught me how to make it myself."

The liquid in the pot was looking more and more like the brown previously in the mug. "When I'm too lazy, Mr. Stark has a few packets of powder you can add to hot water. It's not nearly as good as the freshly made type, but it's okay."

He turned off the stove and reached into the cupboard, pulling out two mugs. One was a reindeer with a large red dot in the middle (for some reason Loki didn't know) and a snowman mug.

Her eyebrow rose as Peter gave her a shit-eating grin. He knew Lo could never really be mad at him. She took the snowman mug, as the nickname was less obvious and used the least.

Peter poured the cups and topped them with whipped cream and leftover candy-cane bits. He finally placed a whole candy-cane in the drink, mimicking a straw.
"Voila! The Parker recipe for the world's best hot chocolate!"

Loki took the mug and sat back down to continue the movie. She blew gently on the liquid, then took a sip.

As expected, it was sweet, but a nostalgic sweet. Like how store bought pastries were never as good as the ones made from scratch (or the ones made at her favourite cafe, those were always good.)

Her tea was always hot, and made her feel warm. This was experiencing a completely new warm feeling, like sitting in front of a fire surrounded by loved ones, something she seldom felt for decades.

There was a hint of mint, as observed before. A tiny hint of cold that made the warmth that much better. Like when you stick your foot out to the cold room, then bring it back under the warm blanket.

And it was just a drink. She felt foolish to have this much meaning behind something Peter has had for so long.

But he shared it with her, nonetheless. That was something she could appreciate.

"It's good," she said. Peter said nothing and just snuggles closer underneath the blanket. Loki did not object.

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