(Pt. 2) 4 Times Loki gave something and the one time she got something

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Part 2 of the Christmas Special! I'm keeping up schedule so far! Yay!


Loki and Clint, for the most part, didn't interact much. This didn't affect their work, thankfully, but beyond missions there was nothing beyond a mandatory work acquaintanceship.

Regardless, Loki still wanted to give the agent something for Christmas. As a sort of peace offering, to make it clear that there were no hard feelings or continued hatred on her side (at the very least). Unfortunately, due to the lack of interaction, she didn't have much to go by other than bows, Mario Kart, and a love for crawling through the vents.

Seeing as though she had gotten Tony something from another realm, she decided to do the same. Asgard was known for weapons, sure, but Alfheim was known for its archery.

Long ago, when her, Thor, their mother, and Odin had taken them to Alfheim, she obtained her own bow. She still had it, and though she seldom used it, she still wished to keep hers. However, it was a good starting point to model her gift after.

A good 15 minutes of convincing Heimdall later, and she was off to the previously mentioned realm. Don't worry, she had permission. From Thor, at least.

She placed the longbow into a wooden case, along with a few enchantments improving the bow's abilities, making it easier for mortals to use. He may not even use it, considering he may
Prefer the technology on Midgard, but it's the thought that counts.

"Woah," was Clint's first expression as he opened the wooden case and saw the bow.

"It's from Alfheim, a realm known for its fine archers," she explained. Clint took the bow in his hands, running his fingers over the carvings and patterns.

"As an added bonus, the arrows you shoot shall always return to you," Loki explained.

"...Woah," was all Clint said, giving the others a laugh. Loki, however, took this as a sign of indifference.

"You need not to use it," she added, gaining Clint's attention. "I just assumed it would be a gift of some meaning to you. Bows and arrows and those things..."

"How does it work," he asked, somewhat surprising her. "I mean, I don't see any arrows."

"Just pull the string back, and and an arrow should appear," she answered, recovering quickly.

Clint had a small appreciative smile. "Thanks, Morticia."

Loki rolled her eyes playfully, "Please leave the nicknames to Stark. It's barely even tolerable when he does it."

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