Please, Don't Do This

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The tension in the room was high. Peter's pleading eyes met with Loki's cold emerald ones.

So it had come to this.

Loki was a selfish being. This was obvious. It was in her very nature to be on top, and there was little she wouldn't do to get there.

"Please, Lo," Peter pleaded. "You don't have to do this."

Loki rolled her eyes in response. "Don't I?" A dangerous smirk appeared across her face.

"I will fight back if I have to!" Peter exclaimed, trying to sound tougher than he was. It was a sad attempt in Loki's opinion.

"Please, you're in no position to do so, Spiderling." Everyone was out for themselves in this game. A game Loki intended to win, whether she had to step on her "team" or not.

"Please Loki, we were friends, weren't we? You just need to give me chance!"

Loki gave a look of fake consideration, her mind was already made up. "Key word is 'were'. We aren't friends, Peter. Perhaps we were, but this is war."

She hit the table with a loud thud. This was it.

The forbidden card, a +4 color change card was revealed under her hand. "Uno."

Peter let out a cry of frustration. "Dang it!" he yelled as he picked up the cards reluctantly. The rest of the team chuckled.

Uno. The game that can tear friendships apart.

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