(Pt. 4) 4 Times Loki gave something and the one time she got something

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Note: to clarify the timeline of events, the Avengers had opened up true presents during a Christmas party that Peter didn't attend. This chapter takes place on Christmas Day instead, therefore after the party

It was no secret Peter was basically Loki's best friend. However, she thought it was a childish thing, so she'd never say it directly.

Still, there was no doubt she cared for the boy, and she wanted to give him something. But what?

The kid lived with a billionaire, not to mention that billionaire and many other people who probably know him better would be getting him something.

It had to be unique, it had to be special, like him. A curious mind like his had everything and, simultaneously, nothing.

Thinking back to Tony's gift, perhaps a companion? No, that would seem lazy. He required no weapons, nor wished for any delecicies beyond Midgard.

She stood in her room, sitting in front of her vanity desk. Her eyes met each other in the mirror. She took a breath and scanned her face's reflection in an attempt to relax her mind. Her mother had told her many times before, a simple thought can be better than overthinking.

Ah, her mother. Despite the fact they weren't related by any blood, Loki did look like her mother in many ways. This could be attributed to her go-to female form being designed by herself, and her wish to keep some part of her mother alive.

Frigga was unorthodox at times, but that is part of the reason why Loki loved her so much. Her oddities allowed her great empathy and an understanding in Loki's eccentrics. Before Loki could shapeshift, Frigga had sewn Loki her fist dress. She remembers it like it was yesterday.

Specifically the blasted corset. All of those kiddy things could die in a hole cold and alone, thank you very much. The only ones that were remotely comfortable were the ones she made herself. She insisted that Frigga taught her to sew them, along with being able to sew her own dresses.

There it was. What she was going to get, or rather make, for Peter. Granted, not exactly a corset, but close enough in terms of uncomfortability and harm done to the body.

It could be said that Peter not being able to make the party was a good thing after all. He still wasn't quite "out" to the entirety of the team, and Loki not giving him a present at all wouldn't look very good for her image, so giving him his gift in private was the best scenario.

While Loki and the others spent Christmas morning at Stark Tower, Peter, and Clint, decided to spend Christmas with their families at home.

For some people, Christmas got less exciting as you grew up. Peter, however, was as excited as ever when waking up Christmas morning. He ran downstairs, followed by Aunt May to an array of presents set up the night before.

The only difference was a pile slightly off to the side that hadn't been there.
"Where did those come from?" His aunt asked. Peter looked at the tags.

"From Thor" one not-so-well wrapped gift read on scratchy letters. "From You Know Who I Am + Bruce" said another. "From Auntie Spider and Uncle Birdman" was another. Even one that was signed "Loki" in fancy green letters.

This one stood out due to the fact it wasn't wrapped in paper. Or maybe what some other world considered to be wrapping paper, but certainly not by earth's standards.

With a cup of Parker-style World's Best Hot Chocolate, Peter opened the presents from May and his friends first, promptly moving onto the avengers afterwards.

Bruce and Tony had designed him a Spiderman hoodie (complete with hidden web-shooters for emergencies), Nat and Clint had bought him a new lego set, etcetera etcetera.

Peter came to Loki's present and was rather curious. Aside from the odd wrapping, Peter was told stories from Tony about the weird presents Loki had gotten them. He hoped she didn't go through too much trouble for whatever it was.

(She did spend a few nights designing, traveling to the get the proper materials and sewing it, but that's besides the point.)

When he opened whatever it was, the 'wrapping' revealed a type of skin tone cloth and a note.

After reading the note out loud, Peter unfolded the cloth in his lap

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After reading the note out loud, Peter unfolded the cloth in his lap. It was his skin tone, and was similar to a strapless crop top. He put it up to his chest, seeing that it would fit him well.
"I think I got a magical space binder."

"Well," Aunt May said. "Go and try it on!"

Peter ran up the stairs, taking off his shirt. Pulling the new fabric over his head and fitting it around his chest, it felt nice. The typical laboured breathing that came from putting on a binder wasn't there to the extent it previously was.

That material was soft and fit nearly perfect with his skin. There were no straps to show either, so he could pretty much wear whatever he wanted with it.

The biggest change, however, was the near invisibility of his breasts. He almost wanted to check to see that they were still there, which they were. It was perfect to the point where he almost cried.

He ran downstairs, tears in his eyes and a new shirt on, eager to show his aunt.


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