Loki knows how to make people feel better

5.6K 180 164

March 15, 2019
Also, Peter has teenage hormones. RANDOM BURST OF INSPIRATION! Don't expect it to last...

Today was a bad day. For Peter at least.

He didn't know why. It appeared to be just little or repetitive things adding up. Shaking and shaking the pop can (soda, for you Americans) before it exploded. Maybe Flash was especially annoying, maybe his work was slightly more boring than normal, maybe Ned's absence made that one transphobic substitute appear even more rude than they normally are.

Regardless, Peter just wanted to go home and shut himself out from everything. He made his way up to the facility, rode the elevator, and dropped his bag the moment he arrived on the floor.

There were a few stray Avengers here and there, but Peter wasn't in the mood to greet them as he normally did. Tony didn't appear to get the mood, as he casually greeted Peter anyway.

"Hey Mshter Strk," was Peter's mumbled reply, as his face was mushed onto the counter.

He's in a bad mood. Maybe Satan's Waterfall™? Abort mission. ABORT MISSION!

"Well, I'll be in the lab." With that, he turn on his heel and sped walked down the hall, nearly running into Loki in the process.

Confused by the rush, she walked into the room and was hit with a wave of 'Someone is upset' aura. The 'something's wrong with the force' type feeling.

She looked over to find Peter looking down at his phone mindlessly, his mood was a mix of 'don't talk to me or I'll kill you' and 'but not really because I'm too emotionally exhausted. Someone give me a hug.'

Loki knew Peter long and intimately enough to recognize this. She had made a promise long ago that if Flash or that asshole teacher gave him any trouble she would gladly give them a visit from Spike and Sir Stabington II™. (Names coined by Peter himself.)

However, at the moment it was clear that his anger and frustration wasn't quite strong enough for that. The kid needed to relax. He deserved it, but don't tell anyone that. She will murder you. Loki hasn't gone soft, what are you talking about? Who's Loki?

Anyways, Peter scrolled through tumblr, his mind hardly registering what was on the screen, when two cold arms wrapped around his torso. He tensed at first, but recognized the black and gold nail polish on thin, pale hands and relaxed ever so slightly.

"Hmm, it doesn't appear to be working," the women said, Peter feeling her throat move and chest vibrate. Why was his face so hot all of a sudden?

Little did Peter know, his face was doing it's best impression of a tomato. And boy was it good. "Umm, w-wh-what?" Darn teenage hormones.

"I have read recently that comforting contact, such as hugs, could help when one is upset or stressed," she explained.
Peter turned around slightly, "Uh...yeah, no. This-this is nice." Her slim fingers made their way into his hair, finding each knot and untangling it slowly.

While her hands were cold, she was warmer than he expected. Her green sundress was smooth and soft, so was the leather vest despite its material. She smelt like a mixture of books, wood and leather.

The truth was, Loki hadn't read it anywhere. This was something her mother used to do when she had a rough day. Maybe Thor's friends were too rough that day, or she failed time and time again with a spell she was learning. She would never tell you, but even she enjoys contact now and again.

Those who walked in and saw this were met with a glare unseen by Peter, that basically said "You ruin this moment, or say anything about it later, and I will end you."

So. I just had an idea. This idea. I think I have another idea. Depends on whether or not I'll have the motivation to write it or not. Is this the end of the hiatus? No idea. I might post other stuff, but if it is the end of the hiatus, posts will be further separated. Not weekly.
Well, until next time! (whenever that will be)

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