Lady Loki gets a new best bud

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A/N: This one's a long one. Lots of dialogue and banter.

It was dark. She didn't know if her eyes were open or closed. She felt like she was falling, yet frozen. She could breathe if she wanted, but it felt suffocating no matter what she did.
"I could have done it father. For you! For all of us..."
"No, Loki"

The cold had never bothered her much before, but here it felt like she had experienced the worst of winters. No wind, just pure cold. If she had been drowning in the coldest seas.
"He's coming to live here?"
"Are you kidding me?!"
"I'm not living with a brainwashing freak!"

The voices echoed around her. All of them she knew were true.
"Peter, I'm warning you. Don't go near him. He could be dangerous."
Even after she had gained a little trust, they sometimes said things.
"Who knows what she could be doing out there?!"

Of course they didn't believe her. Who would believe the Goddess of Lies?
As much as she wanted to lie, to shift the blame off to someone else. To Thor. To Odin.
She found she couldn't blame anyone but herself.

"Don't deny it, liar. You know you'll never redeem yourself. They'll never believe you."
Peter believes in me.
"Does he?"
Shut up...
"You'll never become better. You're nothing more than a liar! The trickster! A monster!"
Shut up!
"You're walls are falling. They see you as weak!"

Her body jolted upward, moving herself into a sitting position on her bed. She took in a huge gasp, as if she had been on the brink of drowning. She hadn't, but it sure felt like it.

The room around her was cold, and the bed she sat on was covered in a light layer of frost. She looked at her hand, which slowly faded from blue, back to her pale complexion.


Despite how much he likes to be cooped up in his lab, working on whatever one project of the thousand he had in the works, Tony does like to relax every once in a while.

Living in New York, there were many great views to gaze upon. These were the causes for this room he had. He used it for mostly a storage/library. However, there was a large sliding door that lead to an open balcony that looked over New York.

When she was finally trusted enough to be alone, Loki stumbled upon this room. As well established, Loki and libraries go hand in hand.

Also, the idea of grabbing a cup of tea and a good book with the wind in her hair certainly seemed her style.

Whenever those pesky Avengers got on her last nerve, resurfacing memories became too much, or she went through some other things she wouldn't like to admit to anyone, she'd do just that.

Grab her favourite tea, usually chamomile (in case you were wondering), a book (often Shakespeare), and sit atop the city.


It was around one in the morning. She couldn't bother to grab a book or tea like she usually does. She just needed to clear her head from the leftover thoughts.

She put a black hoodie over her green and black striped tank top, and slipped on some reindeer slippers. (Joke gift from you-know-who.)

A/N: Do you consider a hoodie to be a sweater or jacket? My friends and I had this whole argument over it. I've always called it a sweater.

She stood on the balcony, leaning on the rail with her arms crossed on top of it. She gazed at the city that never sleeps, her eyes jumping from light to light. The city was covered in a gentle frost, and a few people were crazy enough to start putting up lights right after Halloween.

Her hair flowing through the cool night winds that blew her thoughts away. She took a large inhale of winter winds, causing a little cloud to form when exhaling. She nearly forgot all about the night terrors that just plagued her.

Forget all about it for now. Forget about it and you won't have to deal with it, she thought.

"A prince does not show weakness. A stoic face is more honorable than one of fear." Odin's words echoed in her head.

"Didn't expect to see you out here Reindeer Games," a familiar voice said behind her. Loki spun around, startled. She summoned a dagger, the tip meeting the blue glow of Tony's arc reactor shining through his shirt.

Loki exhaled in relief, retracting the dagger and causing it to disappear in green light.
"Likewise, Stark." She rested her arms back onto the balcony, looking down on the cars driving by. "You should take it as a compliment that you were able to sneak up on me. Not many are able to do that."

"Is that a challenge?" A smirk crossed his face. "Pranking the prankster, that'd be a great bet with Legolas."

"Watch it," Loki said in fake warning, a smile teasing to appear on her face, but refusing to. "I'm not getting caught in one of those 'prank wars'. Peter has told me a lot about those, and I'd say 'war' is the perfect name for it."

Tony chuckled. "So, M'lady," he received a glare, but took a sip of his coffee and continued. "Why're you out here on this fine night?"

"I'm afraid I couldn't sleep," she answered. Tony's smirk dropped into a soft smile.
"Yeah me neither." He took another sip and looked at her. She was observing the buildings in the distance, lost in thoughts.

A closer look revealed tired, baggy, and (surprisingly) sad emerald eyes. "Nightmares?"

Shit. "How is that any of your business," she snapped.

"Hey! No offense, Snowflake!" Tony put his hands up in surrender. "But I'm an expert in traumatic experiences."

"And you're still as vexing and egotistical as ever."

Tony appeared to take is as a compliment. "Further proof I know what I'm talking about," he exclaimed. "How 'bout this? I'll tell you mine, you tell me yours."

"Frankly I have not much interest in your problems. I have heard the stories."

"Fine, fine," Tony said. "I don't have to talk. You know, I can listen." Loki gave him The Eyebrow of Disbelieving™

"Now I know that's hard to believe..." Tony admitted. "But it's true! If you need someone to talk to, I'm all ears!"

"And all mouth.,," Loki mumbled. She paused for a moment. Thinking.

"Or, y'know, we could drown our sorrows in alcohol. If that's more your style," he offered.

"You know I never really did get that drink," Loki let a ghost of a smile appear. "Does that offer still stand?"

Tony motioned his arms towards the door. "Right this way, Frosty. How well can you handle your drinks? Just asking, because you of all people should know how Thor is."

Loki put a finger to her chin. "Let's go with the second strongest drink you have and to from there."

A/N: Well that was a long one... Hoped you liked it!

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