Lady Loki is best Trans Friend

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It was no secret that Peter was obsessed with science and technology. When Loki showed up with her magic, Peter was like a kid in a candy store. You'd think that when you have a job like Peter's, you'd be used to seeing that type of stuff. But, to Loki's surprise, Peter was drawn to her for that very reason.

At first she had found it quite annoying, being bombarded with questions on how her abilities worked, and opted to ignore the ball of energy and wonder. Even if it did stroke her ego a tad. She could never understand how this child could be interested in the very thing the others condemned her for. Speaking of which, when it was revealed that she was genderfluid, it's as if Peter's wonder had skyrocketed.

It started off normal. Normal being Peter asking a million questions.

"So, is your female form just an illusion? How do you keep it up?"

Loki rolled her eyes. "It's not an illusion. It's shapeshifting. Keeping an illusion up constantly would be a waste," she said, as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

Peter didn't seem to pay attention to the hints, though. "If it's not an illusion, how do you shapeshift?"

Loki sat on a couch, with Peter following suit. "I am not using any magic at the moment. The only magic used is in the moment when I shapeshift. I turn my body into pure energy and shape it as I choose. My body can be exactly as I want it, and it comes in handy for a few good pranks." Using her 'I'm Better Than You Mortals' Voice™ in that last bit.

"I wish I could do that," he said. "It'd make things so much easier." Peter silenced himself as his smile slowly faded, all the wonder disappearing and being replaced with frustration. Loki felt a little pang in her chest, like a mini dagger right through her heart. But why? This spiderling was one of the most annoying beings in the nine realms, apart from Thor.

Loki tried to hide the slight concern on her face by raising her eyebrow, asking what he meant.

"I'm," Peter hesitated for a moment. "I'm transgender. I was born a girl. Only Mr. Stark and a few of my friends know. I'm scared to tell anyone else."

Loki then physically tensed, not being able to hide it anymore

"Please Thor, father can't find out! You have to promise not to tell him!"

He was scared. Scared of rejection. Scared of his idols looking down on him for being himself.

"First sorcery, now this?! No son of mine will wear gowns and go by a women's name! You are a future prince of Asgard. You shall act like it!"

"Tell me about it," Loki said. Peter was visibly shocked by the sudden change in tone from the goddess, but knew it would feel good to talk it all out. Loki hardly had anyone to talk to back then.

"There's this... guy at my school," he began. Loki had a good idea to where this was going, and she didn't like it. "His name is Flash. When he found out, all his teasing just became worse."

"I knew you acted like a woman, brother, but I never knew you'd dress like one!" Thor's friends laughed along.

Another metaphorical knife hit.

"You know, Spiderling," Loki commented. "I know the others wouldn't mind."

"But, the way they reacted to you-"

"That was because I'm me. It was odd, as that was the first time they had seen me like this. It came out of the blue, as you say." Loki put a hand on Peter's shoulder.

"I know asking you to trust me is unexpected, but I do know what you're going through. How do you think I felt before I learned the shapeshifting you constantly bombard me with questions about?" Peter smiled a little, earning Loki a small flutter. "If you ever want someone to talk to, I'm sure I can help. Just go easy on the questions next time."

She brushed a hand through Peter hair, like Frigga always used to do with her. Peter quietly mumbled about her 'messing it up', earning him a small chuckle.

"Also, who names their child 'Flash'?"

A/N, just so my readers are aware, this book will contain a LOT of Peter and Lori being adorable trans buddies. BEWARE THE FLUFF

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