A Party Favour

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April 2 2020
I am really proud of that title when I probably shouldn't be.

With Peter and Ned's reputation as the school's punching bags, it was a miracle, albeit a bit suspicious, when they were invited to parties. You'd think they'd give up on being the cool ones, especially since Peter knew MJ didn't give a fuck about said parties. No need to try and impress her there.

But, Ned insisted they try anyway. After a day of ranting to his aunt, and any Avenger who would listen, he reluctantly stepped out of the car with Ned by his side and made his way inside the thundering house.

The lights and music blared around the pair. Once again Peter had his suit hidden underneath, just in case.

He had the intention to use it, if only he could be alone for five minutes. Even Ned couldn't keep everyone away for long enough. The constant berating from Flash on the mic wasn't doing anything to help the situation.

Eventually, the crowd began to form around something other than him. A perfect time to get away, until Ned insisted he look at it too. He didn't understand what Ned was on about, until he spotted Spider-Man hanging nearby just outside of the balcony talking with partygoers.

Yeah, what?

"Hey Penis Parker, look!" Flash exclaimed as he hit Peter on the shoulder. "It's your best friend Spider-Man!"

Lots of thing we're going through his head, none of them good. Doppelgänger? Imposter? Someone pretending to be him just to ruin his reputation?

"Wait, Parker?" the figure said, causing Peter to snap his attention toward them. They even sounded like him. This can't be good.
They met eyes.

"Oh wow, it really is you," the imposter said, moving to hang upside down closer to the balcony. "S'up Peter. You got those new designs done yet for Mister Stark?"

Okay this just kept getting weirder and weirder. Who was this person?

Well, that was made evidently clear when a small flash of green was visible behind the white eyes of the suit. Oh my god, they didn't. Did they?

"Uh, yeah, yeah! I'm- I'm almost done."

"Cool. Make sure to stop by the compound! Mister Stark has another assignment." 'Spider-Man's' suit flashed red, causing them to roll their eyes.

"Sorry guys," they said, flipping and landing on the edge of the railing. "Duty calls!" They gave a small salute before swinging off into the dark.*

Peter has a lot to explain to Ned and his classmates. The look on Flash's face was totally worth it.

*In reality, Loki just landed in some nearby bushes, quick to teleport back to the tower unseen.

~ ~ ~

A trail of green mist entered through a Stark Tower window, landing on a seat at the bar next to a certain genius billionaire playboy philanthropist.

With a stretch, and a clothing change, the fake vigilante turned back into the trickster deity.

"Thanks," Tony said simply, offering a drink, which Loki gladly took. With a click of the glass, they both took a sip.

No one fucks with Tony's intern under their watch.

Did I make Loki enby in this chapter or just have Peter be respectful because he didn't currently know their pronouns? YOU'LL NEVER KNOW

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