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It was chaos at Avengers Tower. The mind stone and an extremely powerful body were just beyond their reach, and grasped firmly in Ultron's.

Despite one of her titles being the goddess of chaos, this was not ideal in Loki's opinion. This whole situation in fact was not ideal. Not ideal perhaps being a massive understatement.

As expected, Loki decided for herself that she was going to do something about it. Without permission, of course.

Now that JARVIS was gone (rest in peace talking ceiling) Loki had an optimal opportunity to do whatever she wanted, and that she did.

Energy like the mind stone was easy to track if you're aware of it. Loki was very aware of its power, as well as a powerful sorceress.

As far as she could tell, the area was clear. Ultron was off with Dr Cho on another floor entirely. Focusing her seidr instead on the diluted red energy, teleportation was easy once she focused enough.

"What do you want?" Wanda's accented voice asked, her red energy visible in an attempt to be threatening. Loki made sure to make herself known before her arrival so she wouldn't be blasted into the nearest wall, but that doesn't mean she still wasn't a threat at all.

The goddess appeared on a nearby table, sitting with her leg crossed over the other. Her hands were up in a mock surrender pose. "I come in peace," she said.

"Oh do you?" The other twin, Pietro. "And we're supposed to believe you?"
"How do we know that no one else is with you?" Wanda took a slow step forward, another intimidation tactic. Hmm. Smart kids.

Loki shrugged her shoulders. "Simple. You would have begun attacking if there were. I know of your abilities. You aren't exactly... subtle." A sneer appeared on her face. Images of the visions Wanda has cursed her with ran across her thoughts. "Now, don't be mistaken, I would love to rip you to shreds for what you did," she stood, causing the twins to tense further, "but this isn't about that."
Loki faked a gasp and spoke in an overly sweet, enthusiastic voice, "In fact, you can make up for that by doing the teensy favour I'm going to ask you!"

"We don't have to make up anything," Wanda sneered. "This is war."

Loki sat on a different table, examining some random tool she found on it. "That is part of the point. You see, I want to make a deal." The twins have each other a look.
"Again," said Pietro, "why should we believe you? Aren't you the God of Lies?"

"Ahh, I see my reputation precedes me," she put the tool down, "but this is not about the avengers. I come alone and in secrecy. I won't bother with pleasantries. I'm here to just talk. Advanced being to advanced being."

Though the red mist faded, the twins remained cautious. "What kind of deal?"

"Simple. You have something I want." She filed her nails with a nearby tool. "The scepter. Specifically, the gem inside it. If you can get me this, I will offer you protection against both the Avengers and Ultron."

"And why should we believe that you aren't just going to give the scepter to Stark? What would you even want with it that doesn't involve them?" Loki would find Pietro's caution and intelligence satisfying, if it wasn't making her life more difficult.

"Insurance," she answered. "Stark's fear is what drives him. I know you're very aware of that." She gestured her hand towards the brunette twin with a slight sneer. "Disasters like this are just begging to happen again and again, each one making the next worse.

"I'm only on Earth due to imprisonment. I'm under near constant surveillance. The gem in question will give me an easy out if I ever need to escape my imprisonment or this planet. Such as if Ultron succeeds in destroying it."

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