Coronation Party

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Obligatory Frozen AU. Some things have changed, obviously. This is basically the coronation party scene though. I'm pretty sure I flat out copy pasted some parts lmao. If you need clarification on the AU just ask and I'll answer.

Now you can stop making Elsa references. Please.

For the first time in years, Asgard finally had a proper monarch. Due to Prince Thor's refusal of the crown, today was the day of Queen Loki's coronation.

The after party was in full swing. Guests mingled and danced, while Loki remained at the front of the room. She stayed silent in thought, rubbing at her golden bracelets; one on each wrist. They gave her safety and protection, as well as an Asgardian-shaped mask to wear upon her skin, hiding the cold blue underneath.

Her contemplative silence was interrupted when her brother came bursting through the crowd. "Loki!" He yelled, his blonde and white streak a clear trademark of his. In tow, was a lady dressed in armor and dark hair.
"I mean- your majesty," Thor corrects himself with a smile, probably only doing so to impress the lady he brought with him. Speaking of which...
"May I present, Lady Sif, a fierce warrior!" The woman bowed, as she had no skirt to curtsy.

"It's lovely to meet you." Loki gave a bow of the head. "Your reputation precedes you. I have heard the tales."

"Thank you, my queen," Sif replied. She wasn't doing anything wrong, per se, but there was something about her Loki didn't like. A hint of passive aggression, a lack of interest perhaps.

"I'm glad to hear it!" Thor's boisterous voice interrupted her thought once again.
"We would like-" they said in unison. The chuckled and smiled at one another before continuing.
"-you're blessing-" another laugh. "-of-"
"our marriage!" they finished together.

Loki didn't know what she was expecting, but it certainly wasn't that. "I'm sorry... Marriage?!"

"Well of course we'll need time to plan things out first. We'll have a feast and-"
"Oh! Could the Warriors Three come to visit?"
"Of course! Why don't they stay?"

"Woah woah woah-" Loki interrupted the two's chatter- "slow down a moment. No one is getting married."

"I'm sorry..." Sif began, drifting off.

"Apologies, Lady Sif. Brother, if I may have a word-" Loki placed a hand on Thor's arm, turning to lead him away.

He ripped his arm out of her grip, returning to Sif's side. "No you may not! Please, explain to us your reasoning!"

Loki sighed at her brother's stubbornness, her calm yet firm voice cracked a bit. "You just met this woman today! You can't honestly think you're in love with her."

Thor became angrier. "And how exactly would you know? You claimed to have loved mother, and yet you rarely ever came out of your solitary confinement to even see her!"

Loki's strict and formal mask finally slipped, as did Thor's anger once he realized what he said. "Sister I didn't-" he attempted to backpedal.

Loki dodged his attempt to reach out to her. "No," she stated. With a breath, her face returned to the formal expression, albeit a fragile one. "You asked for my blessing. My answer is no. Now if you'll excuse me..."

Thor reaches out to her again, attempting to grab Loki's wrist, but breaking off one of her bracelets instead. The emptiness caused her to panic, twisting back around and grabbing for it. "Give that back," she yelled. The room was becoming silent as it's attention was drawn to the siblings' quarrel.

Thor held onto the gold circlet, keeping it out of her reach. "Loki please! You can't shut yourself away like this!"

"I can and I will, should I wish!" She kept her bare wrist hidden, her fingers already a blue hue. "If you refuse to follow the rules I put down, you are free to leave," she finished, her voice shaking. With that, she quickly made her way to the doors, commanding a nearby servant to end the party. She needed to get out, now.

Thor didn't give up so easily, though. Especially when he was angry. "What did we ever do to you? What did I ever do to you?"

"Enough, brother..." All eyes were on them now.

"No! Why?" He continued, "Why do you shut the world out? Why do you insist on hiding? Why are you so afraid!?"

"I said enough!" Against her better judgment, Loki let her temper override her. As her foot hit the ground, shards and spikes of ice shot up from the floor. The crowd gasped and backed away. By now it was too late. Almost the entirety of her left side was blue, her eye a ruby red.

"A frost giant," people in the crowd whispered.

The siblings made eye contact. The look on Thor's face was too much. All their faces.

Frost gathered on the door and floors and the Queen ran, leaving the room in silence.

[OLD] God or Goddess? (Lady Loki Oneshots)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz