(Halloween) Lady Loki can make any hero terrified

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A/N: Yes, this is the Halloween chapter you've been waiting for. I'm so sorry it took so long, and that it's basically late. FYI It also includes Bucky and Sam.

Tony always had weird ideas for what he called "Team Bonding".

This year, he had the idea for a Halloween party. As well as the insistence that everyone wear a costume of some kind.

It was quite funny, actually. Seeing everyone with their "creative" ideas. Although some were quite creative.

Natasha wore a suit, similar to the one she wears in battle, but with the legs of a spider attached to the back.

Tony was the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz, which everyone had a good laugh at. Steve had a hard time remembering where it was from, yet kept insisting that he got the reference, as if he had something to prove.

Speaking of, Steve was an old fashioned army soldier. Not much more of an explanation needed. Thor was a Viking, not surprisingly.

Clint was Robin Hood, Bucky was a robot, Bruce was Frankenstein's monster, and Sam was an olympics runner. And you'd better believe Steve was making "On your left" jokes all night long.

There was spooky music and old Halloween classics playing, there were snacks remade to look like body parts, Tony went all out. Now only if everyone had the dignity to show up.

"Where's underoos," Tony asks. "I've been looking forward to seeing his iron man costume."

"Pretty bold of you to assume he'd dress up as you," Clint commented.

"Yeah Mr. Stark! I mean, you're cool and all, but SpiderMan's cooler." Peter hung from the ceiling upside down in his SpiderMan suit.

"Okay Pete. That's cheating! You can't dress up a yourself," Tony said, a little butthurt at the fact that he wasn't Peter's costume.

"Who said I was Peter?" The mask was pulled off to reveal emerald eyes and a curly, black ponytail.

"You were right Lo, that was pretty funny," Peter commented, walking in as a mad scientist. Lightning bolt hair and all.

Tony had a look of betrayal on his face. He put a hand to his chest in mock offense. "Uh! I thought you were gonna be Iron Man for Halloween! Also, how come she gets to be 'Lo', but I'm stuck with Mr. Stark?"

Peter scratches behind his head. "Dr. Banner said he was gonna be Frankenstein so that gave me an idea." Tony gave Bruce a mock glare, to which Bruce just shrugged and sipped his punch. "Besides, I've been Iron Man for the past few years. Time to mix it up a little. Except for your name, just because I know it others you. You should know I'm too awkward to call you anything else."

Loki flipped around and landed on her feet, her face red from all the blood flow going to her head. "I thought we were going to do a switch, but to each their own I guess."

"How did you even get Peter's suit to fit," Steve asked.

"Oh, I made my own."


"Mother taught me how to sew when I was younger," Loki explained. "You really think Odin would have allowed me to get dresses any other way? Anyways, I figured I'd find the outfit useful sometime. If Peter ever needed to conceal his identity further. Perhaps a diversion..." She trailed off, thinking not of the practical ways the suit copy could be used, but rather the practical jokes.

Speaking of practical jokes, you can bet that Loki and Peter had set up tons of them around the party.

Her favourite was when Tony went to restock the punch. He had a container in the fridge, but when he opened it, there was a bloody, chopped off hand attached to the handle. The scream was priceless.

Eyeballs in the punch, spiders in the snack bowls, random jump scares around every corner. The two teens had gone all out with the Halloween themed pranks. Loki thought she could do better, but it made Peter happy so she let him have it.

There were also scary stories. Now, being the Goddess of Lies, as well as stories themselves, needless to say she was pretty good at it.

The lights were shut off and she went to retrieve a candle to set the mood. Bruce and Natasha immediately 'noped' the heck outta there, going down the same hall. Bruce because scary things weren't really his forte, and Natasha because she believed she had heard all the scary stories ever made, none of which could make her flinch. A minute later, Loki came back with a candle and lit a green flame with her magic.

"Tonight, I'll tell you the story of a holiday we celebrated back in Asgard. The night of the Sombra," she began.

Thor shrugged, "I've heard this story many times, sister. Mother told it to us, did she not?"

"Not this way." A devilish smile crept across her face.

"You may think you know where this holiday came from.

To hide from monster's prying eyes.

But I can tell you, as their goddess,

that tale is full of lies..."

With all their experiences, you'd figure by know that the Avengers were psychologically invincible. No one really know how they turned from an eye-rolling circle on the floor to a shaking ball of innocence and fear. Maybe the Goddess of stories was just that good. Or maybe the author wanted to add comedy to the story but was too lazy to write out an actual scary story themself.

"So whenever it comes around,

This cursed holiday

Beware the white moon

At the end of the day.

"The infamous gorde carvings

Adorned with candle light,

The moaning and darkness

That gives you all a fright.

"Drawn in by the dark magic,

And screams always booming," she paused, gazing across everyone's suspense filled faces.

"I warn you, keep the lights on...

The nightmares are looming." The candle in her hand grew and turned purple.

Peter shifted in Tony's lap, "I-i-is that true?"

"Of course it is. Every word."

"Have you ever seen one before?" Bucky was shaking in Steve's arms. "Could they ever come to Earth?"

"I have seen one before. They are quite large, purple, as I said before." She explained, seeming unaware of two eyes right above her head. They were black on the outside, fading inward to the purple. Just like the eye's of a Sombra.

"L-L-Loki...." Peter warned, his voice almost a whisper.

"I am unaware if they can come to Midgard or not. I suppose it's possib-MMF!" Two purple hands grabbed her, cutting her off in the process. With a muffled scream, she was dragged into the darkness, the light had gone out.

High-pitched screams echoed through the Avengers Tower. That is, until the lights flickered back on, revealing Loi save and sound, as well as Bruce wearing big purple glow-in-the-dark glasses and Natasha wearing long fingered gloves painted purple.

Tony was the first to realize what was going on, and made the most sour face he could. Next was Bucky and Steve, who both awkwardly released each other from their arms. Thor and Peter began laughing and the rest were just catching their breath from the screams they just unleashed.

Tony was so going to get her back for this.

A/N: I'm so sorry if it was a crappy ending, I just wanted to get this out to you for Halloween. It's probably late, but at least I did it. Yay I guess. I was a ventriloquist dummy for Halloween, I even did the mouth with makeup. That was great to take off. I'M NOT TOO YOUNG FOR TRICK OR TREATING YET DAMMIT!

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