Lullaby (new note)

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Day 1 of Corona Virus School Break! Yaaaaay...
Inspired by verca_novona on Instagram. Seriously I love their work, they do so much marvel and I get so many ideas from them! Please check them out!

The team had congregated, as they always did, for breakfast one morning. They sat in their previously claimed chairs, though two remained empty.
"Hey Jarv, what's Pointbreak and Elphaba up to?" Tony asked through a mouthful of bacon.

"They're in their respective rooms, Sir," JARVIS answered dutifully. "Today happens to be the day that they came to stay on Earth, so I would suggest leaving them alone."

"What? Why," he asked, a little disappointed. "I wanna celebrate their Earth-iversary!"

"Well, sir," JARVIS said in a slightly lower tone, "today also marks the day when their mother was killed."

When Thor was eventually seen later that day, he was dressed in a black robe. He attempted to keep his personality as light as it always had been, but there was always a cloud over him preventing it from being truthful. He thanked the team for their condolences but told them that he really didn't want to talk about it. Not with them at least.

Loki, on the other hand, wasn't seen at all. No one knows when she got out of bed, but it was known that she at least got up to make tea. She also wore all black; a long sleeved dress and a thin veil. She didn't bother with makeup. It's not like anyone would be seeing her anyways. Not them at least.

The living room was empty as far as Loki could tell. There was a book lying on the couch-side table she wished to finish. Very sad ancient Greek romance type thing. Peter had recommended it.

When she was about to pick it up, she froze, noticing Thor's still frame sitting on the couch. It was honestly the stillest Loki had seen him in a while. He was always up and about doing something, but now we just still. Quiet. Eyes closed, yet not sleeping.

She sat down next to him, the book remaining on the table. If you asked her why, she couldn't tell you. She just did.

Thor opened an eye, acknowledging her presence. He gave a ghost of a smile and scooted closer, placing his head on her shoulder. Loki tensed for a moment but leaned her head on top of his.

It felt weird, but not unwelcome. It was only then she realized how long it had been since she really felt affection, or any touch at all. The two sat in a comfortable silence. No one came or gone. It was nice. Just a brother and sister.

"Isn't it a shame that the only moments we come together are when something awful happens?" She didn't mean to make Thor laugh, but wasn't upset when he did.

"Yes," he replied simply. The silence returned for a few moments.

It doesn't need to be that way, Thor thought. But he knew better than to say it. Since New York, this was the closest the siblings had been to each other. Loki was right; they only ever came together in times of distress. He desperately clung onto this moment like a stranded man finding an oasis in the desert.

"Can you sing mother's song?" he asked quietly. The silence continued, and Thor wasn't going to bother asking again.
"Which one?" Loki asked.

Thor's light smile returned. "It doesn't matter. I imagine you remember them all."
Loki let out a single chuckle. "Yes," she said. Her voice was quiet, so was the melody. It was a simple moment; the happiest either of them was that day.

A memory both of them treasured, whether they admitted it or not.

K so I just recently hit 3k votes! To celebrate I want to post a fanart chapter with my and others works in it. (This is not a competition).
If you want a piece put in, either tag me on Insta (@ royal_art5), or submit it onto my discord (links in previous chapters and on my profile)

I'll be posting this chapter soon, but I don't know specifically when.

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