Chapter 2

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Chiron's POV

I have been keeping an eye on Percy and Annabeth, and I just saw them drop. "Will, help me with them. Put them on my back."

"Where are we taking them?"

"To the lake of course." Percy is the son of Poseidon and water heals him. Once we get Percy awake, he can help us with Annabeth. 

As I set Percy down, I see him start to thrash, so I set Annabeth next to him and take a few cautionary steps back.

Almost automatically, Percy starts heading towards Annabeth. Then, I hear it... the scream. 

Both Percy and Annabeth have started screaming and thrashing around.

"HELP..... WHERE ARE YOU PERCY...." I hear Annabeth screaming for Percy as though she lost him. I gently nudge her closer to him.

"BOB....DAMASEN....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I hear Percy yell. I know who Damasen is, the bane of Ares. Why did Percy know him? What don't I know about them?

"Chiron..." I am pulled out of my train of thought as I see Poseidon standing there. He is attempting to reach Percy.

"Lord Poseidon," I say, "I don't know what is wrong with him. He passed out and I brought him to the water because I thought it could help heal him."

"PERCY.... STOP .... HELP...." Annabeth's pleas are getting louder. I decide that we need to act fast, so I do the obvious thing, dump water on Percy. Huh, it worked. He is awake. 

Percy POV

I am back in Tartarus. It is terrible. Wait, it's slowly fading. I am getting pulled out. Are my eyes closed? I open them. Yep, they were. I see Chiron, Will, and my dad....wait. Why do I see my dad here? I turn my head and see Annabeth thrashing and yelling "STOP IT....NO....." I know what she is seeing. Me controlling poison.

 I run over and hold her. I tell her that we are out and alive. I tell her that we are together. I see her start to calm down. She opens her eyes, and holds on to me. We both start crying.

Percabeth in High school after TartarusOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz