Chapter 17

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Nico's POV

"I just used my powers to fight something and now I'm in danger of passing out any second now."

Annabeth looks at me, "I'm assuming you didn't go to camp because it's too far."


Just then, I see a blue car roll into the parking lot. I'm assuming it's Sally's because not only is it blue, but Percy and Annabeth begin to stand.

"You coming?" Percy asked me.


"Did you really think we would leave you alone? Nope. My mom would be disappointed in me."

"Your such a mama's boy." I tease.

"And you still live how your sister wanted you to."

"Percy! That's too far."

"Sorry... I won't do it again." He truly looks sorry.

I glare at him, just to make sure he understands it was a low blow.

Percy winces, "I really am sorry about that Nico, now come on, our ride is here."


I slept on a couch last night. If I had known that they didn't have room for me, I wouldn't have gone to them. I guess I forgot that they would only have two bedrooms, the master and Percy's. I feel so bad for intruding and being a bother. They fed me and gave me a place to sleep. Percy even gave me some clothes to sleep in, and told me he has something I can wear when he wakes up. I wonder if it would be something I enjoy wearing.

Footsteps pull me out of my thoughts, startling me.

"Hello, Nico," Mrs. Jackson says with a smile, although clearly tired, "I wasn't expecting anyone else to be awake already."

I shrug, not knowing the time. "Well, I got used to waking up early." I wasn't planning on telling her about the nightmare that woke me.

I could tell that she didn't believe me, but she said nothing about it, which I appreciate.

"Why are you awake?" I ask her.

Mrs. Jackson smiles. "Pancakes."

Sally POV

Pancakes are something I don't do often, because it requires an early wakeup, but I will always do either pancakes or cookies when a demi-god crashes.

I look at Nico, "Would you like to help me?"


"Would you like to help me make pancakes?"

He slightly blushed, "I've never made pancakes before."

"Well it's about time that changed. Come on, get up now."

He slowly gets up.

"First, go wash your hands. You know where the bathroom is?"

He shakes his head.

"That's okay. You know what, we can just wash in the kitchen, come now."

I lead him to the kitchen. He lets me guide him, but he seems on edge.

"Are you okay, Nico?"

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking."

"Well, wash up will you? I'll grab the ingredients, wash my hands, then we can get started."


I hand Nico the whisk.

"Can you start mixing? I'll grab the food coloring. Can't believe I forgot."

"Umm. How?"

"Have you never baked before?"

Nico shakes his head.

"Well, you want to hold the bowl close, like this," I show him the way I am holding the bowl, "and then you just stir until combined. I have a feeling you will get the hang of it soon." I pass him back the bowl and he smiles at me.

I quickly grab the food coloring before going back to watch Nico. He asks if he is doing things correctly, and I assure him that it's going perfectly. He's better to have in the kitchen than Percy. I slowly add the drops of blue as Nico stirs. He mixes until the entire batter, except the chocolate chips, is an even blue.

I put the pan on the stove and turn on the heat.

"I'll take it from here." I tell Nico, "but can you please up Percy and Annabeth?"

He nods and leaves.

Then, I hear a scream.

Percabeth in High school after TartarusWhere stories live. Discover now