Chapter 14

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Sally's POV

They are so adorable. I raised Percy to be polite, but he is like his father and Annabeth scolding him makes my job so much easier. I watch as they sit on the couch and nibble on their cookies. When Percy finishes his cookie, he notices the M&M's in front of him. He grabs a handful and Annabeth grabs some. I look closer and realize she eats all the ones that aren't blue and he only eats the blue ones.

I watch as Annabeth eats a blue M&M very purposely. Percy's eyes widen and I hear a low growl. I see his death glare, which scares me and I'm not on the receiving end of it. Annabeth seems unfazed. She just stands up and walks to their room. Percy stands up and runs after her. I hear the door slam behind him.


"Sorry, Mom!" I hear.

I sigh. My baby had to grow up so fast because of Gabe and the gods. I think about him as a young boy, acting so old. I always wondered why Percy hated Gabe so much, then Poseidon told me....


I had just killed Gabe. Oh my gods, I just killed someone. I sit down and cry for what feels like hours. I hear a knock on the door. I open it up... Thanatos.

"Um... he's this way...."

"Oh, um... you can see me?"

"I'm Sally Jackson, mother of Percy Jackson. I can see through the mist."

"Oh, this Percy...."

"Son of Poseidon."

"Ah. And who am I picking up today?"

"Gabe Ugliano, my... um... ex?"

"Cause of death?"

"Medusa's head."

"She moved?"

"I think my son killed her. He... gave me her head so I could... get rid of Gabe."

"Cool, I'm going to collect his soul now."


I lead him to the kitchen, where Gabe is, while shielding my eyes.

"Anything you want to say?"

"F*** you, Gabe."

"Alright. That was weird, but I have places to be, souls to collect. You know."


I escort him to the door.

"It was nice to talk to a living mortal. Thank you."

"No problem."


I am flipping through a photo album and I hear a knock on the door. I open it.


"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure. Come on in."

We sit down on the couch.

"What's wrong? Is Percy okay?"

"Percy is just fine. Well, now he is."

"What do you mean now?"

"Well, he prevented a war, and Gabe is gone."

"What war? And what does Gabe have to do with anything?"

"Oh, a camper stole Zeus' bolt and Hades' realm and Ares found the kid, but wanted to start a war between me and Zeus. He blamed me and Percy. No biggy."

"Okay. And Gabe?"

"So, he got tried, as you do in the underworld. And he got fields of punishment. Do you know why?"

"Well, how do you know?"

"Hades told me. He... was worried. When he had you, he told me you were very kind."

"Well, he sometimes beat me, but... that's not punishment bad."

"Are you aware of what he did to Percy?"


"He would beat him up. And would take his money. And would call him names. And would threaten him."

"Poor Percy."

"I... well... I thought you should know."

"Thank you for telling me."

"I just have one question."


"Why would you marry him?"

"Well, Percy summed it up best. He called him Smelly Gabe. And truly, he was. He was supposed to mask his scent."

"Well, if you have any more trouble I know three goddesses who would be glad to help."


"Hera, Hestia, and Artemis."

"Artemis is the goddess of maidens though."

"She hates men and will fight for a strong woman."


"Goddess of the home."

"And Hera?"

"Family and marriage."


"Now if you will excuse me, I need to go back to the ocean."

I walk him to the door.

"It was lovely seeing you, Sally."

Then, he begins to glow. I shield my eyes.


My poor baby. I feel a sudden urge to go give him a hug.

Percy's POV

Annabeth has been showing me some things she has been working on. She just finished showing me her handstand, which was very impressive. She held it for a whole minute without using a wall.



"Do you want to learn something?"


She laughs her beautiful laugh.

"How to judo-flip."

"Oh, sure."

She walks me through the steps, using me as the test subject. I let out an 'oof' as I hit the floor.

"Who taught you?"


"Makes sense."

We chuckle. She leans down to pick me up, and the door opens.

Percabeth in High school after TartarusWhere stories live. Discover now