Chapter 12

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Paul's POV

They acted so casual about the monster. They are now cuddling in the back seat like nothing happened at all. It is a little creepy how calm they are.

"So, um...."

"Not quite used to monsters yet Paul?" Annabeth asks me.

"I knew it would happen....I've met a god--"

"WHAT?" Annabeth's loud voice made me jump.

"Dad crashed my party. As did Tyson. And Nico."

"Oh, sorry Paul, continue."

"I've really only met"

"Percy, what has he met?"

"Um....Tyson, Nico, Dad, Mrs. O'Lear-"

"He met your hellhound?"

"Hey! Nico couldn't do all the shadow-traveling!"

"It was weird to have a giant dog in the living room."

"Percy...." Uh, oh. I might have started a problem.


"What else are you hiding from me?"

"NOTHING!" Percy is starting to panic. I should probably jump in and stop this, but I'm enjoying this way too much.


"Why would I hide something from you?"

"I don't know, Seaweed Brain."

"I can't get anything past my Wise Girl.....except...."


"You know that flower?"

"The one in our window?"


"What about it?"

"Remember our actual first kiss?"

"What do they have in common?"

"I never told you where I was, did I?" I'm jumping in.

"Percy, maybe not in the car. I don't need something else destroying the car."

Annabeth chuckles and Percy nervous laughs.

I realize we are almost home. Perfect.

Sally's POV

I look out the window, and see Paul's prius. I know my husband's car, sue me. It is not hard to spot. It is the the only blue prius I have ever seen.


I grab my oven mitts, open the oven, and pull out the cookies. Blue, of course. Perfect timing, by the time they get up and set their stuff down, the cookies will be ready.


I hear the door open and close.

"MOM! We're ho-ome!"

I stand up and go give them hugs. Percy blushes.

"Percy, are you embarrassed because your girlfriend is here?"

He blushes even more. "N-no."

I give him the look that says yes-you-are-and-we-both-know-it. He sends back a pleading look.

"The last time you acted embarrassed, was right after Yancy......"

Annabeth laughs, "The whole camp knows you are a huge mama's boy."

He groans.

Pauls jumps in, "now you can continue."

Percy starts running to his room. "Nope, nope, nopety-nope."

Annabeth sighs. I give Paul a questioning look.

"Apparently his flower has something to do with their first kiss and he has hiding it from her. I told them not in the car."



"Yes, Mom?"

"Remember the number one rule of being in a relationship?"

He pokes his head out the room. "Walk your date to the door?"

Annabeth laughs. "You are quite good at that."

"Wise Girl," he groans.

She turns to me, "he walked me to the start of my solo quest"


"And it was very sweet!"


"Percy, that is not the number one rule of being in a relationship. That was the number one rule of going on a date."

"Um... I do-" I can see it in his eyes as he remembers.

"Seaweed Brain?"

"No secrets" he says sheepishly.

I sigh. "Don't hide anything important. You can have some secrets. Like if you are keeping a secret for your friend or are planning something."

"Seaweed Brain, mind telling me where you were?"

"Mom, remember when I woke up Typhon?"


"Wait, what?"

"Pretty much, Hephaestus sent us on a side quest. We had to check something at Mount St. Helens. She gave me a-a-a"

"I kissed you"

"Yeah, that. I was brain-dead for a moment, then did the big fight. I blew up the volcano, waking him up. I was sent flying. I woke up on an island."

Percabeth in High school after TartarusWhere stories live. Discover now