The Shadow

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During the ride, it took all of Ryan's might not to glance too often at Rose. He hoped she was all right, because her hands rested stately on her lap the whole time. In order not to make the situation awkwardly quiet, he utilized some conversational skills taught by some random YouTuber to drum one up.

"So, how's your dad treat you?" he started, glancing her way.

"Amazing," she answered. "Almost like I was blessed."

"That's great . . . what's he like?" Ryan probed.

"You'd like him," she responded. "He is a good man. He knows me better than I know myself."

"He's a winner, then?"


"How about your mom?" There was a long pause, which prompted Ryan to glance again. She was staring out the window. "Rose?"

"She died when I was young. Henry, my Dad, never talks about it."

"I'm sorry," he replied. "What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it either."

"Fair enough." Don't end it on that note, he thought. "So, uh, what do you like to do? Have any hobbies?"

"You like talking?" she snapped irritably.

Ryan tensed. Dang it, too soon, he internally cried. Way to go, Ryan.

"I'm kidding," she said. "You knew I was kidding, right?"

Inside, his tears turned to celebration. "Uh, not really. You're awfully good at being serious. If I didn't know better, I would think you're either Dusty or Sam."

"I'm flattered. Here, that's my house," she pointed.

"Nice place you got there," Ryan complimented.

She smiled. "It is. Thanks," Rose said as she got out of his Toyota. "Not many guys are as nice as you."

Score! "Y-Yeah, I'm always trying to be, you know, a good guy . . . hopefully. And all the stuff that goes with that." He did not mention he had never really done this before.

She smiled again. "It doesn't go unappreciated," she replied. "Oh, by the way, here is the address."

"Address?" Ryan repeated, spaced out.

"To Kevin's house," she reminded, eyeing him weirdly.

"Oh! Right," he replied, mentally slapping himself. "That guy. I'm so stupid."

"If you're stupid, then I'm a delinquent," she jested quickly.

It was such well-timed wit that Ryan laughed. "Heh, that was funny, Rose. You got a comical side to you, huh?"

"I'm glad you think so." She turned toward the short path to her house. "See you tomorrow!" she hollered as she strode away.

He waved. Looking back at his steering wheel, he sang a made-up song to himself. "See 'ya, wanna be with 'ya," he sang quietly as he turned the wheel, sighing. "In your dreams, Ryan. In your damn dreams."

* * *

Walking into her house, Rose said hello to her father, then quickly headed to her bedroom to change.

Once she slipped into long pajamas, her father came by and rested his shoulder on the bedroom door entry. "So, how was your day?" her father asked. "It's not often you decide to go out with people."

"Well, it was really good," she answered as she bit her lip.

"Mhm, so that's all it was? Just good?" he replied, looking at her with his arm resting casually on the bookshelf. "So, what is it, sweetie? Boys?"

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