Into the Titan

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Titan had ordered Solis to meet him in the throne room. "Solis, I want you to steer us to Herook," instructed Titan. "I have a feeling something is about to happen. The villains are not dead. Not yet. We must imprison them before they become a threat."

"I will notify the stations there to prepare for the arrival of the Titan," Solis said.

"I have realized this must be where Sonovan Lung has hidden all these years. He had left the planet I had brought him to, and he went to Herook. The Energy connecting us has shown me the way."

"Let us obliterate him and end this," Solis stated coldly.

Titan shot him a look. "Once we arrive, inform Justice she will descend into the planet and land at the command station there."

"Very well."

As Solis bowed and turned to leave, Titan stopped him. "Wait."

The third-in-command stopped in his tracks and turned.

"If I cannot turn them, I will impede them," Titan said. "We must have the Dragonstone cage ready."

Solis nodded once, acquiescent. "We have never used it."

"Then it should work as good as new."

* * *

Jane and the brothers opted to rest in the sleep apparatuses. Ryan and Johnny, on the other hand, ambled out to the cliff and sat, the melodic sounds of pots, pans, and ornaments blowing in the chilled wind. For once, Sonovan was not there but was resting in his room.

"What do you think Rose is doing now?" Ryan asked Johnny. "I've been trying not to think about it."

Johnny sniffled. "Whatever it is, I don't think it's good."

"You think we can save her? From him?"

"I believe in all of us," Johnny replied. "Together, united, we will not be stopped. And if we get the chance, we kill him then and there."

"I remember the last time I conspired to kill somebody," Ryan said.

"I know, man. I know."

Ryan turned in place, gazing towards the cliff entry to the hideout, imagining Sonovan in there—in his room—recollecting his entire life. What adventures had he been on? What battles had he fought in? Who had he met across the cosmos?

"That guy's been a father figure to me already," Ryan said.

"Sonovan?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah. He's so wise: so interesting and level-headed. I hope to be like him one day. He understands."

Johnny nodded and replied, "He is something special."

"Where do you think he's been?" Ryan wondered to Johnny. "The universe is so large and time is so long. He's been around for one thousand years. What worlds has he been to? What battles did he fight?"

"I suppose I can answer that inquiry," Sonovan replied. He stood motionless a few feet away. He walked towards them and sat. "I have been to places you can only dream of, even when I had been by myself after Titan's resurrection—when I was a wandering man. But when I was of The Shadows, we traveled the galaxy, fighting battles in alleyways, forests, mountains, cities, ships—you name it. You yourselves have not yet experienced that, but you might one day. All I can tell you is this: When with those you love, venturing across space for the light—fighting the dark—you feel limitless. I have lived long and seen all kinds of beings. But the sight of a lost soul is always the same."

Amazed, neither replied. Sonovan did not add to the short monologue but grasped Ryan and Johnny by the shoulders lovingly. They stayed there, Sonovan in the middle, arms wrapped around each other's shoulders. It was only for a little while—but to them, that short time elongated into forever.

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