Children of the Light

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"You seriously don't remember?" Johnny asked, bewildered. They shook their heads again.

"Yeah man, what Rose said," Ryan answered. "Got nothing."

Johnny studied their expressions in the dim, golden light. "All right, whatever. Anyone else in?"

"You know me," Rose replied, "I love a good mystery."

"Well now I have to join," Sam replied. "Just another day in the universe, I guess."

Smiling ear to ear, Johnny clapped once. It resounded far down the tunnel. "I don't know if you guys understand how much this means to me. To see us all united and together. If only Sonovan could see the fruits of his labor."

"He does," Ryan replied. "Trust me. He does."

"OK, so since we're on the same page, that leaves that 'event' the only thing left on our to-do list," Sam stated.

"I suggest we get ready then. Two days, my friends. Two days."

"You sounded like Sonovan when you said 'my friends,'" Sam replied, shoving his hands in his pant pockets.

Johnny chuckled and placed his hand on Sam's shoulder as they walked up into the HQ. Sam, who he'd known since childhood. Sam, whose brother saved all of existence. "I'll take that as a compliment, buddy."

* * *

The day of the celebration arrived more swiftly than they would have liked. Simply titled "The Event" by news outlets around the world, millions gathered outside the Capitol Building for the celebration of a lifetime.

Every member country of the UN had its President, or Prime Minister, present for the special occasion. The crowd ranged from infants and small children to the elderly, its size twice that of the largest attendance to any Presidential Inauguration held in the United States. The day was chilly, yet cloudless—the blue sky vibrant. It was one for the history books.

On their way to the podium, The Shadowforce had the privilege and opportunity to shake the hands of the world leaders. The only disappointment was that they could not see them with their own eyes, for the President had supplied them with masks to hide their identities.

First, the President ascended the stairs of the platform, waving his hand in greeting to the sea of humanity. To commence the celebration, the President gave a short, but grand, speech, which set the stage for the Secretary-General.

Following the President's lead, the Secretary-General of the United Nations offered a ten-minute, well-thought-out introduction. He turned towards The Shadowforce, beckoning them over.

"Who wants to come with me?" Johnny asked. It was almost a shout, the thunder the crowd emitted almost deafening.

"Not me," Ryan replied. "You know me! I can't do that. There are way too many people. I'll just chill right here."

"All right, anyone else?"

"I'll do it," Sam answered, nodding a few times.

The two stepped up to the platform and shook Secretary-General Ludridge's hand once more. The screaming and shouting were drastically more pronounced now. Johnny copied what he had seen great speakers do: He raised his arm to try to beseech the crowd into silence. They obeyed.

Adjusting the microphone, Johnny spoke into it. In his mind, he sought to comprehend the sheer size of the throng, and the likely billions around the planet watching him. The weight of the moment struck down on him like a hammer, and he had to catch his breath.

Sam recognized what was happening and asked, "Are you OK?"

"It's just the size of it all," Johnny answered. "Thanks."

"Of course, buddy. I'm right here."

Johnny ever so slightly smiled and placed his hand on Sam's back comfortingly. "So am I."

Turning back and clearing his throat, he began to speak. "Hello everyone. Today is a day of celebration. A celebration of hope.

"In the last few weeks, my compatriots and I have undergone the most incredible time in history. Traveling the galaxy, we discovered highly-advanced alien civilizations, with technology we had only dreamt of. We met mysterious people: a courageous, incredible man named Sonovan Lung, and a warlord bent on universal domination, named Titan. We journeyed across the stars and planets, learning about our new place in existence and our new destiny. We trained our minds and bodies to prepare for him. How did we muster the power to defeat him, you might ask? An old friend once told us the way to overcome anything. D-E-S-I-R-E," Johnny spoke, gesturing enthusiastically. "Desire is a short word, but if you have it, nothing can stand in your way.

"We overwhelmed Titan with our desire, but that does not mean he did not take things from us. In fact, the truth is precisely the opposite. I, along with the brave people you see before you, have lost more than you can know. One of our fellow compatriots was the one who truly defeated Titan. He unlocked his full, innate potential—something we all have—in his final moments, summoning the will to overcome his enemy's power. Our leader, Sonovan Lung, saved all of us, and thus you, by sacrificing himself. He faced his fears and saved the universe. They both did.

"But we do not disregard the truths our enemy, Titan, conveyed to us. His knowledge of worlds and of the universe far outweighed anyone. I will try not to sound pessimistic, but in many ways, he was right." The crowd fell silent, so much so that had a pin dropped it would sound like a grenade. Johnny adjusted his stance, breathed in deep, and released his words. "With the way things have been going lately, he foretold the fate of our world—our society. Titan predicted that the end would come, not immediately, but in time—a slow death—and that our existence would be destroyed not by an external source, but by each other.

"So, let us prove him wrong. Have faith in humanity, but never cease from doing your part in the greater story of life. I learned that. But most of all, no matter the cost, sacrifice what you want for the greater good. Sonovan Lung taught us the way of peace and goodness. If we all follow these simple tenets of living, we can make the world an amazing place, a place where other species and worlds will come to for guidance.

"And so, I implore you to follow the road that leads to life. If we work together, love each other like we should love ourselves, but more importantly work together for the things that really matter, humanity will be indestructible. Love one another, but never forget to love what is lovely." He gulped once, shot a glance at Sam, and finished, "Thank you."

A voice cried out from the crowd. "What do you call yourselves?"

Sam grabbed the microphone on the podium. "We are The Shadowforce!"

In conjunction with the exclamation, someone pulled the sheet out from behind where they stood. Underneath, the workers exposed the memorial of Sonovan Lung for every eye to see. Johnny turned to see the massive work of art. He exhaled a long breath, in awe of the workmanship. It resembled Sonovan more than he had imagined it would.

In the sculpture, they had portrayed him smiling wide with that wonderful twinkle in his eyes. He stood at an angle, left arm behind his waist and right arm raised high in the air, sword in hand. Johnny had never observed something so magnificent.

"That is just . . . perfect," he exclaimed.

"It is," Sam marveled. "It really is."

Even his bandana had been formed around his head to match the appearance they admired and deeply loved. Burned into his memory was that final look Sonovan gave him. The reassuring gaze that told him everything would be all right.

You are children of the light, children of the Shadowverse.

Ryan wrapped his big, brawny arms around Rose and Sam, and Johnny did the same with Jane so that they were all connected, looking up to the sculpture of a legend.

Johnny let a tear drop from his eye and smiled. "Enjoy the Shadowverse," he whispered, though no one could hear him due to the monstrous roar from the multitude.

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