Half of an end

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Samantha's P.O.V

"Luke what time is it?" I ask rolling over on our bed, but not before hitting something.

"Crawford what are you doing in our bed?" I laugh at the three year old boy next to me.

"I wanted to sleep in here with you and daddy."

"Where's your brother?" I ask standing up.

"Daddy and Nate are downstairs and so is Gabriella."

"Go downstairs with daddy and I'll be there in a minute." He nods and I go into the closet. I put on a pair of blue jeans and a white tee shirt. I go downstairs and I see Luke holding baby Gabriella.

Maybe I should fill you in. I haven't in a while. Almost five years to be exact.

So a few months after my twenty second birthday certain said things happened and nine months later two twin boys were brought into the world. Those would be Nathaniel and Crawford.

Nate, as we call him for short, has brown hair and blue eyes. Crawford on the other hand has blonder hair and olive green eyes. Gorgeous kids, if I do say so myself. They are three now and are quite the little munchkins.

I mean it when I say munchkins because they eat munchkins all the time courtesy of Luke's eating habits. He still eats like a horse if you were wondering. Once the boys were around two, we found out about the little girl on her way. She is now one years old and is a total daddy's girl. Like always with Luke and always going with him anywhere.

Onto me. I am twenty six and Luke is twenty nine, both of our birthdays are coming up though so he's gonna be thirty and I will be twenty seven. I am still doing modeling and music and Luke is still doing his thing. Very well if I do say. The guys also are settling down with families, but not as many kids or as many toys sprawled around their houses.

Mikey found a girl named Dana and she's awesome and really cool. They got married last year after they had a son and they live right next door. Ashton is married with a girl named Riley, and Calum is married to a girl named Piper.

Yeah you heard me right. He's with emotional crying Piper who fell off the face of the earth a few years ago. Little did he know she fell of the face of the earth because she was pregnant. With his kid. They have a son named Oscar.

"Look who is up." I laugh at Luke's comment and I grab my cup of tea.

"Mom, Gabby gets all the attention." I squat down to Crawford's level and I tilt his head up.

"Baby, Gabriella just needs some more attention. How about daddy takes you and Nate to the park later so you can spend time with him?"

"Yeah. Buddy the only reason I haven't been hanging out with you and your brother as much is because Gabby needs to be taken care of more. You're a big boy so you can do things she can't." Luke explains and I nod.

"Is your room clean?" I ask Nate and he shrugs.

"Nathaniel, go put your toys away after breakfast."

"It's him too." He points at Crawford and I nod.

"Both of you clean your room up then." I tell then and they nod while eating their waffles.

"Craig called and Oprah is later with the kids."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive and that is why I'm going to hand Gabby off to you, bring the boys upstairs to change and clean their room, then bring them to the park before that happens."

"Why now?"

"Get the energy out of them so they are calm." I laugh and all three boys stand up and go upstairs.

"Hello Gabriella." I smile and she laughs.

"Momma." She babbles and I smile.

"Yes, and you are Gabriella. The pretty little princess." I tickle her a little and she claps.

"So while daddy is with your brothers we can go shopping, we can go and see your uncle, we can do something."

"I think shopping." I nod and she smiles showing the little teeth that are coming in.

"Oprah at four!" Luke says walking downstairs with the boys. Nate doesn't look happy and Crawford is all in.

"Nate you okay?"

"Yeah." He shrugs and I nod.

"Let's go." Luke laughs lifting them both up and they let out a string of cute little laughs.

"Say see you later mommy and sissy." Luke tells them and they wave repeating that.

"So, shopping?" I ask and Gabby continues eating Cheerios.

"We need to get you changed and then we can go." I smile and I stand up with her. We go upstairs to her nursery that is a pastel pink with a white crib and white furniture. There's a white rocking chair in the corner with a tiny table with a lamp. That's usually where you will find Luke. He is either singing her to sleep, reading to her, or just thinking in that chair. I place Gabby on the white carpet and she crawls around. I grab her navy skirt that has little white dots on it, a white tee shirt top and her little brown sandals.

I pick her up and I put her on her changing table, changing her diaper before slipping on her outfit. I tuck in the shirt and she smiles at me.

"You smile so much and I love it." I tell her and she just plays with the small penguin in her hands. That penguin is the equivalent of Atticus to me. I pick her up and I grab her baby bag before going downstairs. I walk outside and I put her in her little seat. I grab my purse and I lock the door going back to the car that is right out front.

"Maybe we should just go see Jack." I admit and we drive to his house. It's about ten minutes away so it's not bad at all. When we get there I pick up Gabby and we walk inside.

"Hey Jack and Faith." I say walking inside.

"Oh yay it's Gabriella." Faith smiles taking her from my arms. I walk over to Jack and he hugs me.

"Where are the other three?"

"They are having daddy time at the park."

"So did you hear Nash and Sage got engaged?"

"No they didn't!" I say shocked and he nods.

"Yeah, now it's not just Elle and Shawn or Sam and Cindy together and married. Or us."

"Well the others are stil single. Well except for Matt he's still with Emily."

"Yeah so now we have another wedding to attend." He laughs and I nod.

"So how's Nate doing?"

"Good, the test said he isn't, so we are happy."

"What about the I.Q. test?"

"Above average."

"How above average?"

"Me above average." I tell him and he nods.

"But he doesn't have any medical conditions?"

"Nope and I'm thankful."

"So what about Crawford?"

"Near the same I.Q." I tell him and he laughs.

"The smart, talented and good looking family."

"You know it."

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