Chapter 9 - The playboy

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Ethan's POV

I woke up with kisses. I frowned, rubbing my eye.

"Good morning." The blonde woman said.

"Morning." I muttered and got up. "Get ready. A taxi is waiting for you." I stated nonchalantly while putting on my clothes.

"How? I didn't call a taxi. And you woke up just a few minutes ago." She commented, puzzled.

"I ordered my driver last night to call you a taxi early morning." I informed dryly.

"But I thought we could have breakfast together." She confessed seductively, batting her eyelashes.

"I am busy. Come on. The taxi is waiting." I said dryly.

She gritted her teeth and got up. I went to the bathroom without waiting for her to leave.

I put on my black sunglasses as I left my penthouse building.

"To the company, Norman." I ordered as I approached my driver.

"...Umm...Sir, I think you should look at it." Norman said and handed me the newspaper.

I gave him a questioning look and took the newspaper. He opened the door without saying anything. I got in the car and looked at the newspaper.

"Fuck!" I hissed as I saw my photos with that girl in the newspaper.

The well-known playboy doesn't slow down.

The most eligible bachelor and the heir of Carter Enterprises Holdings Inc., Ethan Carter was spotted with a famous model, Natalia Adams last night. They left the nightclub together.

I threw the newspaper onto the seat and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I called the editor of the newspaper.

"It is Ethan Carter." I snapped as soon as he picked up the phone.

"Good mor..."

"Delete the photos immediately and take the news from the Internet." I demanded angrily.


"Didn't you hear me?! I don't want to see these photos on the Internet. You have an hour." I snapped and hung up the phone.

Grace's POV

I rubbed my eyes, yawning and opened them. I rested my hand on my swollen stomach and stroked it gently, smiling.

"Good morning, my little boy." I said softly, stroking my stomach.

Suddenly, my baby kicked me. I smiled widely, resting my hand on my stomach. I got up and went to the bathroom.

After taking a shower, I got ready and went to the cafe.

I worked as a waitress at the cafe. It was my landlord, Greta's cafe. But now she didn't let me work so much. She said I should not tire myself so much, and I needed to rest as much as possible. Greta really helped me in my hard times. Especially in my first days in Rome. If I didn't meet her, I couldn't think of what I would do here on my own. She was like a mother to me. She took care of me.

Greta was my neighbor as well. We were so close. She lived alone. She had a daughter, but she lived in London. Greta had a granddaughter as well. I saw her photos; she was so cute.

My due date was so close. I couldn't wait to hold my son in my arms. I even decided his name. Nathan. It had been in my mind before I got pregnant. I liked this name so much. I wanted to name Ethan and my son Nathan. Especially, because it looked like Ethan's name.

"Hi, mia figlia." Greta gave me a bright smile as I walked in.

"Hi, Greta." I greeted her back as I gave her a slight smile.

" I greeted her back as I gave her a slight smile

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"Hi, Grace." Antonio greeted me, giving me a wide smile.

Antonio worked here too. Meanwhile, he studied at university.

He had a black hair and brown eyes. He was handsome, but I saw him as a friend. He admitted that he had feelings towards me, but I told him that I saw him as a friend nothing more. After it, he didn't open this topic again.

"Hi." I gave him a slight smile.

"Come on, don't stand on your feet so long." Greta stated and pointed to the seat. I nodded and sat down.

"For my little Nathan." She said, giving me a warm smile as she placed a glass of orange juice on the table.

"Thanks." I gave her a grateful smile and took a sip from my drink.

She sat down on the seat next to me.

"Dear, you always look sad. Even when you smile, your smile doesn't reach your eyes." She commented, concerned as she placed her hand on top of my hand on the table. I bit my lower lip, averting my gaze. "I still think you should tell Ethan about it." She added softly.

"I cannot. You know about his grandfather's threats and...Ethan's words. He isn't ready to be a father." I mumbled sadly and rubbed my stomach.

"But mister has to think about it before having sex." Greta commented. I bit my lower lip, blushing. "Now he has to take responsibility for his actions. And according to what you had told me about him, I don't think he will run away from his responsibilities. He looks like a good guy." She added.

"Yeah." I smiled slightly. "...But now....He totally changed. He didn't look like himself...He is...different." I admitted sadly.

"Maybe some girl broke his heart." She gave me a knowing look. I bit my lower lip, blushing.

After the cafe, I went home. I made dinner for myself and had dinner. Then I went towards the couch. I didn't feel good today. I had been feeling sharp pains all day long. The doctor said it was normal because my due date was so close.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the news on the Internet. More correctly, I looked at the magazines if there was news about Ethan or not. He had been in magazines the last few months with different girls: models, actresses, heiresses and so on. I couldn't hold myself from feeling jealous. My heart broke into a million pieces every time I saw him with other girls. It was real torture to me. I still loved him so much.

My eyes welled up as I saw Ethan with a blonde girl on the Internet. The photo was taken last night when they were leaving the nightclub, his arm wrapped around her waist while that girl leaned her head against his chest.

I placed my phone on the couch and wiped my tears off my cheeks.

I screamed in pain as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

My eyes widened as I felt water running down my legs.

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