Chapter 14 - Unforgettable feelings

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Grace's POV

I nodded, but he didn't wait and walked towards his office in quick steps. I rolled my eyes, annoyed.

I placed my bag on the desk and went after him. I walked in and closed the door behind me. He took off his jacket and sat down.

"Call Mr. Miller and ask him about the contract with Mr. Henderson. Then bring me the new designs of the hotel." He demanded firmly.

"Alright, sir." I said. "Is it all?" I asked.

"Oh...and bring me a cup of Americano." He added. I nodded and left.

I didn't get tired so much today, because Ethan went to the meeting in the afternoon and told me to cancel his other meetings for today.

As my work day ended, I grabbed my bag and left.

When I left the company, I saw Ethan's car afar. Suddenly, a girl got out of the car. She wore a mini red dress, showing her curves. She looked beautiful.

Another model?

Ethan got out of his car and approached the girl. The girl wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him a wide smile. He smirked and placed his hands on her hips. She whispered something in his ear, then they started laughing. I squeezed the strap of my bag as my eyes welled up. A tight knot formed in my throat.

Suddenly, Ethan noticed me staring at them. After looking into each other's eyes for a few seconds, he averted his gaze. Then he placed his hand on her cheek and brushed his lips against her lips. My heart sank as I looked at them. Tears ran down my cheeks. I turned around and rushed away, crying. I wanted to get away from him as much as possible.

I hate him. I hate him when he touches another woman. I hate every woman who touches him. I hate myself, because I can not do anything. I hate myself, because I still love him. I am freaking in love with him.

Ethan's POV

As I saw Grace leaving, I pulled back. As much as I hated seeing Grace crying, I couldn't control my anger towards her.

I hate and love her at the same time.

"I will call a taxi for you." I said to Amelia.

"What? I thought we were going to your place." She stated seductively and trailed her hands along my chest.

"I changed my mind." I confirmed as I grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand away.

"Ethan." She pouted.

I breathed deeply. "Leave!" I ordered.

"Asshole." She snapped and left.

I leaned against my car and sighed. I didn't know what I was doing anymore. When I forced Grace to come back, I thought it was a great opportunity to get my revenge. But I was wrong. Seeing Grace every day without being able to touch her made me madder. On the other hand, she refreshed the memories that I wanted to forget. I couldn't take her out of my mind. Every time when I kissed another woman, her beautiful face appeared in my mind. After bumping into her in Rome, I couldn't even be with someone else. Every time when I tried to have sex, I remembered her perfect lips, her flawless skin. It made me mad.

Why can I not forget her?


As soon as I walked into my office, I grabbed the phone and called Grace.

"To my office." I ordered as soon as she picked up her phone and hung up without waiting for her to say anything.

A few minutes later, she walked in and closed the door behind her. I roamed her body from head to toe. She looked so sexy in her navy blue mini dress, affecting my member instantly. I cleared my throat, pulling myself together.

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