The adventure begins

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I looked below me and saw Date. "Shit. Sorry!", I mumbled as I got up, helping him up after. He said that it was okay.


We all fell back, into another room. I landed on the concrete floor and cursed under my breath. After I got up, I saw that Lexi had fell on top of Data. "Shit. Sorry!", I heard her say. Data smiled and said that it was okay.

I clenched my fist. Why couldn't Lexi fall on top of me instead? And why did Brian have to be here? He doesn't even belong here! I sighed.

All of us then noticed Brand and Andy. They were about to kiss. "Shame shame. We know your name!", Data and Chunk chanted. Stef started freaking out, saying how kissing was gross and all that stuff.

We all got up and explored the room. Chunk found a water jug and started drinking from it. I laughed as Chunk got water in his eye.

           I studied the map and found the spot where we had to dig. I got a crowbar and hit it against the floor. Brand grabbed the tool from my hands.

"Brand!" I whined. "Give me that. There's nothing buried under here! It's the twentieth century, Mikey!" I huffed in annoyance. Why can't Brand just let me find this treasure? I know it's here! My family and friends need the money or we're gonna all be separated for good!

          Mouth then said something to annoy Chunk. He started yelling at Mouth, getting very annoyed. Mouth smirked at him.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the other end of the room. At some point, Chunk had knocked over a big jug of water. "Oh Chunk! You clutz!", I sighed.

I then heard something that put me back in a happy mood. "Do any of you guys hear that?", I asked curiously. "Yeah Mikey it's sounds like my grandfather taking a leak, so what?", Mouth replied.

No, no no. It... it sounds like...", I trailed off, walking toward the fireplace. "It sound like there's a hole in the ground. Like a tunnel! Or a passageway!", Lexi finished. I grinned as we inspected the fireplace.

            Brandon took away the fake fireplace. "See! I told you, Brand. There is a hole! Ha!", I exclaimed. It's treasure!

          We then heard Data screaming 50 dollar bills. Lex looked at him. "Let me see that!", she grabbed the money from him. "That's fake!", Stef shouted. Why would there be a counterfeit money printer here...?

          Lex then found a recent newspaper. She read aloud, "Fratellis at it again..." Her eyes widened in realization. Oh. Shit.

          Below the headline, we all saw three pictures. Pictures of the people upstairs. "See, you guys! You never listen to me! I said that there would be trouble! You guys are crazy. You know, there's a funny farm and it has your guys' name written all over it. I'm gettin' outta here! Tha... I smell icecream!", Chunk ranted.

          We all looked at him, confused. Icecream? "Oh come on, Chunk. Nows not the time to smell icecream!", Lexi exclaimed. He ignored her and walked over to a nearby freezer. He opened it up.

         All our jaws dropped. I heard Alexia curse, worriedly. Chunk turned around and noticed the stiff. We all screamed in unison. All of a sudden, we heard footsteps coming from upstairs.

            "Oh shit oh shit oh shit," Lex grabbed my arm. I didn't have the time to be all shy and flustered. We closed the freezer door hurriedly and rushed to the fireplace. "You guys, the fireplace is the only way out," I told them in realization. Brand moved the log out of the way. He climbed down first.

           Andy then went, then Mouth, Stef, Data, and Lex. I helped her down slowly. I then climbed down being the last one. We all huddled in a little group as the Fratellis came downstairs. I held my breath.

          They talked and yelled at each other about the cooler. "Somebody's been here," the lady stated. She told one of the men to go check on their brother. I'm guessing that's the It.

             "Guys, where's Chunk?", Alexia asked. "Shoot. He's in the freezer with the stiff.", I told her. As the lady and the two men left, Chunk finally opened the freezer door.

         "Hey, what're you doing down there?", Chunk asked. "Go get the police.", Brand told him. Chunk didn't listen. Alexia pushed her way to the front. "Chunk, listen to me. We are in some really, really deep shit here. You've gotta go get the police. You understand me?"

           He nodded his head and backed up, trying to find a way out. Behind him, there was a window that was revealed when he knocked over a broom. I silently cheered as he opened the window and climbed out. We had hope to make it out of this shit alive.

              Everyone left turned to look ahead of them. I nodded my head. This, this is where the adventure begins...

Ahhhh yay! The adventure is now gonna begin!

Our Adventure Awaits Us [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz