Captain Chunk

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The man got a rope and tied my hands together tightly behind my back. If looks could kill, this man would be so dead by now. No one touches my hair. No one.

Data used one of his gadget to try and punch the lady, but his contraption backfired and punched him in the face instead. The evil lady laughed and started taking the jewels from all of us.

She targeted Mouth first. "Hey, aren't you the one they call Mouth?" She asked. Even though I was annoyed at my cousin, I didn't want him getting hurt. "No sir, that would be me!" I said just to annoy her.

"No, no. I'm pretty sure that it's him." She insisted and cornered him. I sighed in defeat. Well at least I tried. Mouth shook his head 'no' and backed away. The lady opened up his mouth and pulled out a string of pearls. "Oh my god." She whispered.

She continued to pull out the string of pears. It seemed to be never ending. "Oh my god!" She exclaimed when she finished taking the pearls out. "Is there anything else?" She asked. Mouth quietly shook his head no. She grabbed his face and made him spit out a pair of earrings. "Oh my god!" She exclaimed one more time.

The three finished collecting all our jewels. The guy in the glasses who was holding me evilly grinned. "Throw the pretty one in, first." He told his brother. I was about to say thank you until the guy took Andi out to the plank. "Hey!" I exclaimed in mock hurt.

He gave Andi to the lady and she took a sword from a skeleton. She started backing up Andi onto the plank. The lady then showed Brand what she was going to do and pushed her off, into the water. Andi screamed as she plunged down into the deep waters. Brandon quickly jumped in to save her.

"Two down, who's next?" The lady asked. The man in the glasses looked at me and smirked. "Ladies first." He said. He walked me down to the edge of the plank and made me face my back to the water. He leaned me backwards on the plank. As the man slowly let go of my arm, I screamed and hoped for my life I didn't drown.

I felt his hand release my arm and I held my breath as I felt myself falling backwards. As I started to fall, I saw a weird cyclops-looking guy standing near the top of the ship.

Mikey's pov

"Two down, who's next?" The lady asked. The man who was holding Alexia smirked at her. "Ladies first." He stated. He walked her down to the plank and held her right at the end. "Let go of her!" I heard Mouth yell. We couldn't save her because the lady had us cornered with her sword pointing at us.

The man grinned and let go of her. I watched, mortified, as she tumbled backwards. As she was falling, the "IT" from the restaurant basement yelled. The Fratellis were distracted, so I used this time to run after Alexia.

I sprinted to the end of the plank and used all my strength to grab her arm and waist. I quickly pulled her back up onto the ship. She opened her worried eyes and tackled me in a hug. "Oh Mikey! Thank you so much!" She mumbled into my shoulder. I held her tight in my embrace.

Lexi's pov

I thanked Mikey as my heart was racing around a million miles per minute. He realized that my hands were still tied and skillfully untied the knot. The second he was done, I confidently smashed my lips onto his and gave him a 'thank you' kiss.

When we were done kissing, we both took a puff from our inhalers. Mikey helped me up and we were brought back to the situation. The 'It' was arguing with the Fratellis and Chunk was happily dressed up as a pirate. "Chunk?" Mikey asked. "No, Captain Chunk!" He enthusiastically corrected. "And Captain Chunk says, lets get the hell outta here!" 

We all realized that this was our chance to escape the Fratellis. "Mikey, come on. This is our chance to leave now." I told him. He slowly nodded his head. "What's wrong?" I asked. "The treasure..." he trailed off.

I sighed and grabbed his hand. Mikey longingly looked back at the ship as we jumped off the plank, into the water. We all swam to the rocks and caught our breath. We waited for the It to catch up with us, because according to Chunk he was a good guy.

I looked around, trying to find a way to escape. I noticed a small sliver of light shining through a rock. "Guys, guys! Look, there's light here!" I said as I grabbed everyone's attention. Brand saw where I was pointing and tried to move the big rock. "I can't see anything, I need a light." He stated.

"Do candles work?" Data asked. Brand nodded his head as Data passed him a 'candle'. "But why is it sparkling?" Data wondered. "It's not a candle, it's dynamite!" Brand exclaimed. We all jumped back and covered our heads.

When the dynamite exploded, Andi screamed. We all uncovered our heads and saw that an even bigger boulder had blocked the entrance. "Aww shit." Chunk mumbled. The It moved us out of the way and lifted up the boulder. Sunlight flooded through. We all thanked him as we quickly crawled through to the other side.

Ahh this is the second last chapter!(third last if you count the Epilogue). I'm sorry I didn't update for a few days. There's just a little bit of school drama and I didn't feel like writing. But it's all ok i guess, because I'm really happy for the next chapter.
Peace ✌️     
                                            -Lexi ❤️

Our Adventure Awaits Us [COMPLETED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora