Into the Sunset

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We stood up and opened our eyes. I took a breath of fresh air as we crowded onto the beach. When Mikey came out, I gave him the tightest hug I could give. "We made it, Mikey." I smiled at him and looked him in the eyes. He grinned at me and we caught up with the group as they started walking along the beach.

I grabbed his hand as we ran around and jumped and laughed. Two beach patrol guys noticed us and called the police and our parents. We stood on the sand and shivered from the autumn wind. When the police came, they brought us blankets, hats and towels to stay warm. The news broadcast guy and our parents arrived soon after.

We all huddled in a group to block out the cold. The group got smaller and smaller until it was just me standing there alone. Everyone had gone to greet their parents or to talk to each other. I noticed my uncle and he ran up to me. "Alexia! Are you and Clark okay? What happened?" He asked. I was about to explain the whole story, but was interrupted by the Fratellis walking along the beach along with the IT whom Chunk calls Sloth.

The police ran to go handcuff the Fratellis and Sloth. Chunk sprinted and stood in front of Sloth to protect him with a pizza box. "No no no! He's a good guy! Leave him alone." I exclaimed as I ran up with the rest of the gang. The police shrugged their shoulders and arrested the bad guys. We all sighed in relief that they were finally going to be locked up.

"Alright, Walsh. Today's the day so let's get this over with." I heard Mr Perkins say to Mikey's dad. "Come on, Walsh! We don't have all day. We have 50 more houses to tear down after yours!" Troy snapped.

Brand and I went to go punch Troy, but we were both held back. I sighed at Mikey annoyedly as he was the one holding me back. He looked at me with sad eyes. I glared at Brian as he proudly went to go stand with his brother and father.

Mr Walsh apologized to Brand and Mikey that they had to witness this. "Sorry, dad." Mikey said, "we had our hands on the future, but we blew it to save our own lives." I hugged Mikey and rested my head on his shoulder.

"It's alright, you and Brand are safe home with your mom and me. That makes us the richest people in Astoria." Mikey's dad said. "Walsh, you're looking at the richest people in Astoria. Now sign it!" Mr Perkins impatiently ordered.

I swear I'm about to slap this man! I huffed in annoyance. Mr Walsh defeatedly took the contract from Mr Perkins and grabbed his PEN. As he was about to sign the contract, Rosalita - the lady who was helping Mrs Walsh- started happily mumbling to herself in Spanish.

"No ink... no pen... no sign. No sign! No sign!" Mouth translated as he grabbed the pen out of Mr Walshes hand. Rosalita has Mikey's marble bag in her hands. She showed us the bag and emptied the contents into Mikey's open palm.

Now resting in Mikey's hands, were the rubies and diamonds that he hid in the pouch. "That's right! The Fratellis forgot to check my marble bag!" He exclaimed. I then remembered where I hid some of the jewels. "Guys wait! There's more!" I said as I turned around to empty the jewels from my bra and my jean shorts.

"Hiding things in your bra is very useful, Mikey. You should try it sometime." I stated as a placed more jewels in his hand. "That's it! We have enough money to save the Goondocks!" Mikey exclaimed as he showed his dad.

"There will be no more signing, not today or ever!" Mr Walsh said as he ripped apart the contract. We all cheered happily. The news people joined the crowd and started asking us questions like, "Were your lives in danger?" or "How'd you guys find the jewels?" 

We tried to answer all the questions we were being asked. Chunk was talking about the treasure and the pirate ship, when one of the police officers walked up to him. "Telling stories again, Lawrence?" He asked. Chunk was about to reply when the police officer interrupted him again.

"Holy Mary mother of God..." We all turned around to see what he was staring at. One-Eyed Willy's ship was calmly sailing out into the smooth waters before us. We all gasped at the beautiful sight. "We're here on the point, seeing what appears to be a pirate ship..." the news anchor trailed off.

We sat down on a big rock and admired the view. I leaned my head on Mikey's shoulder and smiled. He blew a kiss to the departing ship. "Bye Willy." He said, "Thanks."

I pecked Mikey's lips once and returned my gaze to the ship. We observed, quietly, as the ship of One-Eyed Willy sailed off, into the sunset...

AHHH! Well folks, that is the end of this book. (There'll be an epilogue though) I will make another one, but I'm sad to say goodbye to writing this one. I've been working on it since last year on a different account where it didn't do so well. I decided to continue it and make it better on this account. If you have any questions, or you've found some mistakes, please comment and tell me. Thank you, readers.
Peace ✌️          
                                               -Lexi ❤️

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